High infant mortality rate a symptom of the ills of Iraqi health system
By Mark Sherman, Associated Press, 3/2/2004 07:31
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) An Iraqi woman gave birth to a boy at the Elwiyah Maternity Teaching Hospital the other day in a complicated Caesarean delivery that left the baby with a good chance of infection. Yet doctors did not prescribe available antibiotics, standard practice in the United States.
''So they'll wait until the baby crashes,'' said Dr. Craig Vanderwagen, the chief medical officer of the U.S. Indian Health Service who has been advising the provisional Iraqi health ministry.
One in 10 children dies before turning a year old in an Iraqi health care system in disarray after years of neglect, last year's war and the looting that followed it. The infant mortality rate is comparable to those of the poorest countries in Africa.
U.S. and Iraqi health officials who toured children's health facilities in recent days say simple measures, including basic hygiene, can help cut that rate in half within two years. At the end of the visit,
Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson said conditions would improve ''if they just washed their hands and cleaned the crap off the walls.'' (snip/...)
http://www.boston.com/dailynews/062/world/High_infant_mortality_rate_a_s:.shtml~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A new low for the Bush regime.