Do you have a very positive, somewhat positive, somewhat negative or very negative opinion of the role that the president of the United States, George W. Bush, plays in world affairs?
Very positive, seven per cent
Somewhat positive, 22 per cent
Somewhat negative, 33 per cent
Very negative, 34 per cent
Not sure, four per cent
2. How worried are you about the threat of terrorism in your country? Would you say you are very worried, somewhat worried, not too worried or not worried at all?
Very worried, eight per cent
Somewhat worried, 31 per cent
Not too worried, 43 per cent
Not worried at all, 18 per cent
3a. Has the military action in Iraq: increased the threat of terrorism around the world, decreased the threat of terrorism around the world) or had no effect on the threat of terrorism?
Increased threat of terrorism, 53 per cent
Decreased threat of terrorism, 15 per cent
Had no effect on threat of terrorism, 29 per cent
Not sure, three per cent
3b. Has the situation between Israel and the Palestinians: increased the threat of terrorism around the world, decreased the threat of terrorism around the world) or has that situation had no effect on the threat of terrorism?
Increased threat of terrorism, 54 per cent
Decreased threat of terrorism, three per cent
Had no effect on threat of terrorism, 37 per cent
Not sure, six per cent
4. As you may know, the governments of the United States and Great Britain now say there appears to be little or no evidence that former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. If no weapons of mass destruction are found, would you feel:
The United States and Great Britain should not have gone to war in Iraq, 46 per cent
There were other reasons besides weapons of mass destruction to justify going to war in Iraq, 51 per cent
Not sure, three per cent