Important 9/11 (C)omission Spin House approves extension for 9/11 commission
More access to Bush, Cheney sought
From Phil Hirschkorn and Ted Barrett
Thursday, March 4, 2004 Posted: 2:46 PM EST (1946 GMT)
Lawmakers have approved an extension for the 9/11 commission, but the panel is seeking more access to President Bush.
(CNN) -- A deadline extension for the commission investigating the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks took a major step toward becoming law Wednesday when the House of Representatives approved a 60-day extension.
July 26 will be the commission's new deadline to report on all aspects of the attacks, including government responses. The commission then will have an additional 30 days to close down its operations.
July 26th was already the deadline. The comission was originally supposed to comple on May 26th, and was to have two months to complete all of it's reports, including government responses.
I repeat, this is not really an extension. They will still have to cut investigation short, or they will have inadequate time to prepare their reports.