The SS in Nazi Germany
Among the institutions operating in Nazi Germany, the most sinister and feared of them all was the SS. Originally subject to the SA, this collection of soldiers began as a small elite bodyguard that protected the Fuehrer and developed into a number of different institutions as it grew in size. The different roles it later assumed are (1) a party police force; (2) a terrorist police force; (3) a regular army within the army commanding its own forces, the Waffen SS; (4) a huge economic conglomerate with its influence heavy in big business in Germany and later in the conquered territories; and (5) a huge killing machine that supervised a horrifying system of concentration camps in which people were tortured and annihilated.
The SS had its origins in Bavaria in the 1920s, led by the short, unathletic, and near-sighted Bavarian, Heinrich Himmler. With great dedication and careful skill, Himmler assembled the major instruments of Nazi terror-SS, police, and concentration camps. The goals of his efforts was not to plainly administer terror for its own sake but to create a racially pure machine. The sterilization, euthanasia of those considered "not worth living", and medical experiments were all for the sake of achieving this ideal, of creating a race of uebermenschen, supermen. Therefore, his terror machine was the product of both his and Hitler's racial beliefs. It was these beliefs that Himmler would believe in and follow religiously and expect similar devotion of his beloved SS troops.