four Democrats running for his seat, three claim his legacy. She never mentions him. And Ted's family members were hurt by her because she ramped up to run for Ted seat before he died. So it figures that Bill would endorse her.
Bill's endorsements lately seems to be on the basis of his grudges--in California because he thought it might hurt his old foe, Jerry Brown, a liberal, and in Massachusetts because it spites the family of Ted Kennedy, an early primary supporter of Barack Obama and a liberal.
Coakley got over a million dollars from Emily's List alone, she is the only candidate with statewide name recognition (from all her years as a prosecutor), and she is the only woman in the race, all of which helped her. (Massachusetts likes to vote for women and minorities.)
She started the race as a huge favorite. However, as the campaign progressed, the gap began to close. I suspect that is because she is an intellectual lightweight, a fact people picked up when the saw the the four candidates in debates and round table discussions. However, the other candidates are out of time. The primary is tomorrow and she is still the favorite, although by a lot less than she was when the race began.
It's hard to tell if Bill Clinton's endorsement, coming this late, will matter much. Massachusetts did go for Hillary heavily in the primary. However, the DLC types are already behind Coakley, as she is a DINO.
Too bad most voters do not know enough about things like deregulation, "too big to fail," derivatives and the Great American Job Drain, to understand that the policies of Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton put us into this economic black hole, almost as much as Dummya's war profiteering. It's hard to say whether Ronnie was more responsible than Bill, or vice versa, but Bill was supposed to be one of ours. (And it would be interesting to study how much Bill hurt Gore's candidacy, but, unless someone did study that, it's just speculation.)
Ah, the good ole DLC, aka Republicans II, which gave us, among others, Joe Lieberman, Rahm Emanuel, DADT. DOMA--and helped pave the way for the second Great Depression. It would be such a shame if that's where Ted Kennedy's mantle falls tomorrow, against the wishes of the only members of the Kennedy family who have spoken out (and endorsed Mike Capuano).