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Thomson prison picked?

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47of74 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-12-09 11:50 AM
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Thomson prison picked?
Source: Associated Press

It sounded like good news for Thomson. In a joint statement on Friday, U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn said the memo signals "the administration has narrowed its focus" to the Thomson Correctional Center -- in the running to house Guantanamo terrorist suspects.

"Even though the final decision has not been made, we are encouraged by this development," they said. "We will continue working with the White House, the Defense Department and the Justice Department to address important questions regarding security and job creation, and finalize this agreement."

The document was posted on a conservative Web site known as Big Government, which described it as a Justice Department memo.

A White House official described the memo as "pre-decisional," stressing that a final decision has not been made. The official was not authorized to discuss the document and would speak only on condition of anonymity.

Read more:

I'm hoping Thomson will get picked. It will help bring jobs to the region, and it will piss the teabagger at work off.
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Gidney N Cloyd Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-12-09 11:54 AM
Response to Original message
1. I seems like a natural. nt
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murielm99 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-12-09 01:37 PM
Response to Original message
2. This will be so good for our area.
Thomson needs the economic boost. Most of the residents are in favor of this decision.

The teabag people are planning a rally against this decision. They plan to meet at the high school in Sterling IL on the 22nd of December. I'd love to go counter demonstrate, but it might be dangerous. It doesn't matter that I am a 61 year old woman and on the small side. Some of those bag people are vicious.
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madrchsod Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-12-09 02:52 PM
Response to Original message
3. totally right wing bullshit
everyone "involved" in this story and in the links are right wing. this is story is based on false or half truths.i doubt anyone from this area would be dead set against the prison opening

if the prison deal does`t get done the rethugs around here will pay the price in the next election.....
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Jeff In Milwaukee Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-12-09 03:35 PM
Response to Reply #3
6. There might be a very few...
I'm from the area and still have family just north of the prison. When it was originally proposed as a state facility, there WERE people in the area who fought long and hard to prevent it. They didn't want prisoners (and especially their friends and acquaintances) showing up in their neighborhood.

But now that the prison is built, even people who were originally opposed to it are in favor of this proposal. I mean, the damned thing is already built. You might as well use it and create some jobs.

As I said, there may still be some bitter-enders in Western Carroll County, but they are be part of a very small minority.
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madrchsod Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-12-09 04:33 PM
Response to Reply #6
7. my sister in law and her kin in hanover,illinois
i live in dixon and a lot of people were pissed because the previous facility was converted into a prison. dixon is a 100 miles from chicago....i do`t think to many would want to live in thompson....
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Jeff In Milwaukee Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-12-09 11:22 PM
Response to Reply #7
12. The prison was originally supposed to be near Hanover
at the old Army Depot. It's still unclear how many of the 3,000 estimated jobs would be in Carroll County itself. Clinton, IA is just across the river and its a town of about 25,000. A few more amenities -- so surely some people will be happy to commute 15 miles or so. But in a town as small as Thomson, it doesn't take too many new jobs or new residents to make a difference.
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divineorder Donating Member (513 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-13-09 11:31 AM
Response to Reply #12
13. A link to pictures
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madrchsod Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-12-09 02:56 PM
Response to Original message
4. are`t you afraid they`ll steal a boat and invade iowa?
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donquijoterocket Donating Member (357 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-12-09 03:04 PM
Response to Reply #4
With all respect to the citizens thereof, including my sister and brother-in law IOWA is an acronym for Idiots Out Wandering Around which in my mind describes terrorists of any stripe.So they'd ought to feel at home there.Iowa does have Grassley and Rep. King to repel any such invasion. I find those two quite repellent so maybe they'd suffice in the face of marauding muslim masses.
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SharonAnn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-12-09 08:23 PM
Response to Reply #5
9. Iowa motto "Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain".
Edited on Sat Dec-12-09 08:23 PM by SharonAnn
From an Iowan now in Tennessee.
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Iowa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-12-09 08:52 PM
Response to Reply #5
10. What in the hell are you blathering about?
Iowa has a Democrat in the governor's office, a Democratic majority in the State House, a Democratic majority in the State Senate, elects Tom Harkin repeatedly (one of the nation's most liberal Senators), and has 3 Democrats (out of 5 seats) in the U.S. House.
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47of74 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-12-09 10:02 PM
Response to Reply #10
11. He just sees our loud mouths King and Grassley
And he assumes all Iowans are just like those two aholes.
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47of74 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-12-09 05:38 PM
Response to Reply #4
8. Not in the least
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