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SF mayor backs radiation labels for cell phones

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The Northerner Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-15-09 05:06 PM
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SF mayor backs radiation labels for cell phones
Source: Associated Press

SAN FRANCISCO — Mayor Gavin Newsom is endorsing a proposal that would make San Francisco the first city in the country to require radiation labels for cell phones.

The legislation would require cell phone retailers to post radiation levels next to each phone in a font at least as large as the price.

The retailers also would have to inform customers about what the radiation levels mean.

Scientists do not agree on whether radiation from cell phones poses any health hazard.

The federal government has established limits for safe exposure. The Federal Communications Commission says all phones legally sold in the U.S. are safe.

Newsom spokesman Joe Arellano says a bill to enact the rules likely will go before the Board of Supervisors within the next few months.

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chandler2 Donating Member (179 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-15-09 05:20 PM
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1. That's one very brave politician. No, really. I mean it. nt
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earcandle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-15-09 05:54 PM
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2. I'm impressed. Was wondering when someone would mention the costs to our health for using these
cell phones.  Maybe having a child has mellowed the man.  A
good thing.  
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jeff47 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-15-09 05:55 PM
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3. Two very telling sentences, right next to each other:
"The retailers also would have to inform customers about what the radiation levels mean.

Scientists do not agree on whether radiation from cell phones poses any health hazard."

From a future cell phone shop:

Customer: What does this radiation level mean?
Salesperson: Nobody knows.
C: What do you mean?
S: Scientists haven't found a link between cell phones and medical hazards. Without that link, there's no way to know what a particular radiation level means.
C: Your cell phones put out too much radiation. I'm going to <store outside SF city limits> where the cell phones are safer.
S: They're the same phones.
C: No they're not! They don't have these big radiation labels, so they must be safer.
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skepticscott Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-15-09 07:25 PM
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4. Someone needs to put a stop to this idiocy
before it spreads all over.

The radiation from cell phones CANNOT cause cell damage, any more than you or I could jump 50 feet straight up. It CANNOT. Putting radiation signs all over the place outside to warn people about the health hazards from sunlight would make infinitely more sense.
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