Guardian (UK), The ObserverFormer UN envoy blasts new Hamid Karzai cabinet as 'corrupt'
Peter Galbraith launches withering salvo at latest government shake-up in Afghanistan
Peter Beaumont
The Observer, Sunday 20 December 2009
Article history
The former deputy UN envoy to Afghanistan has launched a withering attack on President Hamid Karzai's latest effort to reinvent his government, saying the shake-up would do little to ameliorate the country's worsening crisis.
The bleak assessment by Peter Galbraith – controversially fired by the UN in September after drawing attention to fraud in elections that returned Karzai for a second term – follows the presentation by Karzai of a list of proposed new ministers to parliament.
Galbraith's criticism of the cabinet, half of whose members are new, came at the same time as he warned that the entire UN mission in Afghanistan, present since the Soviet invasion in 1979 and throughout Taliban rule, was in danger of "failing" through lack of credibility and the "weak and spineless bureaucratic leadership" of its secretary-general, Ban Ki-moon.
Galbraith's caustic comments mark the latest salvo in a series of increasingly bitter exchanges between the US diplomat and his former UN employers over the lack of legitimacy of the Karzai government, which Galbraith claims the UN has chosen to cover up.
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