In Baghdad, coalition spokesman Dan Senor identified the official as Robert Blackwill, deputy national security adviser for strategic planning at the National Security Council staff. Senor says Blackwill visits Iraq (news - web sites) every four to six weeks.
This time, Blackwill is working to resolve problems some Shiite members of the Iraqi Governing Council have with the interim constitution the council signed on Monday, a senior administration official said Saturday. He also is tasked with convincing the Iraqi Governing Council to let the United Nations (news - web sites) help set up elections, which are scheduled to be held before the end of the year.
"We're trying hard just to get the U.N. to play a role in helping us work with the parties in the region to come up with a way forward to elections and a way forward to an interim government," Secretary of State Colin Powell (news - web sites) told the National Journal in an interview on Friday.
The United States wants the United Nations to return to Iraq to help figure out how to form an interim government. The United Nations recalled its diplomatic staff after suicide bombings rocked its headquarters in Baghdad in August and October.