Monday, October 23, 2006
Former CIA spy branded a traitor wants to clear his name
Like a story in a spy novel, Edwin Wilson is out to prove he was set up
... The notorious ex-spy once traveled the world, gathering intelligence while playing the role of global businessman. He later was tied to shipping a planeload of explosives to Libya, sending him to prison for decades ...
But three years ago, a federal judge in Texas threw out a major conviction -- that Wilson conspired to ship 20 tons of a powerful plastic explosive known as C-4 to Libya in 1977 -- and blasted the government for covering up the truth.
Wilson had finally gotten documents to help support the claim he had made all along: That despite his 1971 retirement, the CIA was still secretly using him to gather intelligence and knew about many of his activities in Libya.
The government had denied it for years. His attorney, Steve Berman, said the CIA didn't want to be publicly connected to anything it had authorized Wilson to do, so it simply "hung him out to dry" ...