Posted on Mon, Mar. 15, 2004
Haiti Suspends Relations With JamaicaAssociated Press
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - The interim prime minister said Monday he was recalling Haiti's ambassador to Jamaica and putting relations on hold over the return of ousted President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.
The former president was expected to arrive in Jamaica Monday afternoon for what officials there said would be a visit to reunite with his two daughters while he seeks permanent asylum in a third country.
The girls reportedly were sent to be with relatives in the United States during the uprising that led to Aristide's departure.
But the Haitian leader, speaking cryptically as he often does, indicated he has not abandoned his desire to return to govern Haiti.
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So, we have the U.S. installed puppet of Haiti "putting relations on hold" with Jamaica because Jamaica is allowing the democratically elected leader of Haiti to visit with his small daughters in Jamaica. What a great country the U.S. has become and has been.
I assume the Haitian ambassador to Jamaica was appointed by Aristide and is perhaps a member of the political party Lavalas. If I'm that ambassador, there is no way I go back to Haiti so that the U.S. supported death squads can kill me or arrest me, like they are doing now in Haiti. No way to I get "recalled". I'd stay in Jamaica, and say to LaTorture "f$%^ you".