Mother Speaks Out Against Iraqi Conflict
<snip>LIN: Joining me from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is Sue Nederer. She is a member of a group called Military Families Speak Out. More importantly, she's the mother of a young man who died in the Iraq War. Her son, Seth Dvorin was there in the picture there, a young lieutenant.
Thank you very much for being with us tonight, Mrs. Nederer. I know it's -- you know when you were watching the piece along with me, I saw you in the monitor. And I could see as you were watching the reactions of those other parents, you know exactly how they feel. Seth, a young man who wanted to enlist, serve his country. You were married to a man, Seth's father, who believed in this war. And yet, so much has changed for you today?
<snip>LIN: Do you feel, as many families feel, that the government has lied to the American public about the number of injuries and the casualties, and perhaps even the death toll?
NEDERER: Absolutely. I believe that's one of the reasons why they do not permit anybody to go to Dover Air Force Base to meet their loved ones. I think there are a lot more that are coming in under the cover of darkness, that they don't want the American public to see. And in speaking with other members of the group, I -- it has come to enlightenment -- it has enlightened me to the fact that there are a lot more people who have been injured, also have mental problems at this point, depression, and in turn, are coming home, and then being sent right back into the same position that they were in prior.
LIN: You have evidence of this? Or is this just hearsay amongst the families?
NEDERER: Talk to the families, it's their children.