Bush's Campaign Emphasizes Role of Leader in War
Published: March 17, 2004
A year after ordering the invasion of Iraq, President Bush is moving the war to the forefront of his re-election effort with a weeklong barrage of speeches, an orchestrated set of interviews with senior Pentagon officials and a new television advertisement questioning Senator John Kerry's support of the troops....
The White House had long planned to use this week to focus attention on the war, terrorism and national security. The White House is counting on those issues to build support for the president at a time when the other big subject of the campaign, the lack of jobs being created by the economy, is working against Mr. Bush....
"The American people have etched in their minds the president's leadership in a time of crisis," said Dan Bartlett, the White House communications director. "That's something voters find comfort in going into an election. Whether it has to be emphasized or not, we've made clear that one of the most important issues is how the two candidates would conduct the war on terror and protect America. There's a clear choice."
By asserting that the war in Iraq is an integral part of the battle against terrorism — an assertion that many critics dispute — the White House has to some extent bet Mr. Bush's political standing as the nation's post-Sept. 11 leader on the effort to stabilize Iraq....