"'Chavez' did it."
And I think now we can understand why Chavez interrupted Zapatero's speech, at the LatAm meeting some while back (the one where the 'King' told Chavez to shut up). The point Chavez was trying to make was that Zapatero, a purported socialist, was covering up the previous (rightwing, Bushwhack) Spanish government's support for the violent rightwing military coup attempt against Chavez in 2002.
This point is relevant now, if what Spain is doing here is helping to create the CIA's cover story for getting rid of Uribe.
Unfortunately, we are reduced to "reading entrails" and attending to "signs and omens," in trying to figure out what the CIA is up to. This is true of most of what our government is doing, but it is particularly true of CIA activities. Leon Panetta* just visited Bogota last week--the week that the Colombian court decided against a referendum that might have permitted Uribe to run for a third term (in Colombia's die-if-you-vote-wrong election system). My guess is that Panetta was there to ensure that ruling and to designate Uribe's successor--former Defense Minister Manuel Santos (the 'Donald Rumsfeld' of South America). That's who the Pentagon/CIA want running Colombia, for various reasons, the scariest one being the Pentagon's war plan against Venezuela. But what to do with Uribe, who--considering that he is being dumped--might possibly reveal where "some of the bodies are buried" that might further sully Bush Jr's reputation and, by extension, that of the U.S.--and the Pentagon in particular.
Literally, buried bodies.
See these links on the 2,000 bodies found in a recent mass grave, with grave dates (but no names) of 2005 through 2009, in La Macarena, Colombia, a region of special planning and activity by the U.S. military (and apparently also by the U.K. military):
The La Macarena massacre (includes a description of, and links to docs about, U.S. ops in La Macarena)
http://www.cipcol.org/?p=1303The UK military connection
http://www.tribunemagazine.co.uk/2010/02/04/silence-on-british-army-link-to-colombian-mass-grave/The methods of this Colombian military "pacification" of La Macarena--mass murder of many local activists who oppose the U.S.-funded rightwing, narco-thug government (union leaders, human rights workers, community organizers, peasant farmer leaders, etc.), in order to terrorize the local population, then installation of a puppet local government with military/police support, while the military moves to the next "pacification" area--is very similar to the methods that the Pentagon is currently using in Afghanistan. You can read about this Washington-designed "pacification" program for La Macarena at the links at the CIP site (if you can stand to read Rand Corp-type bureaucratise without the page during blood red before your eyes).
My guess is that La Macarena was "turkey shoot" practice for Afghanistan--and that this and many other Bush Junta "bodies" are buried in Colombia. Panetta was a member of Daddy Bush's "Iraq (really Iran) Study Group," and one of his jobs is to clean up Junior's bloody trail. Uribe and Junior were pals. And the Bush Junta had carte blanche to do anything they wanted in Colombia.
The defense of the new U.S/Colombia military agreement has been that it merely confirms prior arrangements--U.S. military use of SEVEN bases in Colombia, including U.S. spy and fighter planes and their pilots, U.S. Navy ships and their crews (at ports), U.S. military use of ALL civilian airports and other infrastructure, and (if this number can be believed) some 1,600 U.S. soldiers and U.S. 'contractors' (described hauntingly as "just a few military advisers"),
and--the retroactive kicker that they may really be after--total diplomatic immunity for all U.S. personnel including 'contractors' in Colombia, no matter what they do (or have done) in Colombia. Immunity signed, sealed and delivered by Uribe.
While it's anybody's guess how far the U.S. military has gone in installing itself in Colombia, and how much further it has to go, to achieve "full spectrum" military capabilities "throughout the region" in order to deal with drug trafficking (har-har), "terrorism" and
"anti-U.S. governments" (as laid out in a USAF document uncovered by Evo Golinger), total diplomatic immunity for U.S. soldiers and U.S. 'contractors' evidently had not been put into writing, prior to this agreement. That may be part of the reason for the secrecy with which this agreement was discussed and signed. It is trying to put the U.S. military out of the reach of Colombian courts and of course beyond the reach of aggrieved relatives of the slain (or victims of torture or other crimes), where U.S. personnel may have been involved in the crimes.
I admit that I'm "reading entrails" here. But it has struck me as curious that the U.S. military could
already be occupying Colombia--at SEVEN bases, with "full spectrum" military capabilities--as thoroughly as it occupied South Vietnam in the early stages of that war, without so much as a blink from Congress. But that is what they are saying--that is the defense of this agreement. And whether we can believe that or not doesn't matter so much (except as to gaging the timing of Pentagon/CIA war plans) as WHY they are defending it this way. Is it an endrun around Congress? (Doesn't this agreement have to be ratified? Is their strategy saying that it was already ratified?). Or is it something else? My guess is that it's the immunity clause--that it hadn't been formalized. And the importance of this can only be grasped by understanding the U.S. role at La Macarena. Was it just planning and funding the "pacification" program? Or was it also implementing the "pacification" program, possibly as "practice" for Afghanistan?
One other thing about this agreement: It was signed (for President Obama) by the bad Bushwhack ambassador to Colombia, Wm. Brownfield, who is still in place. Brownfield would likely be closely involved in whatever horrible crap the U.S. has been doing in Colombia (and South America, generally). They kept this agreement secret from the Colombian people, the Colombian legislature and the other leaders of the region (who were not even warned of the announcement, let alone consulted). One other reason for the secrecy is that it clearly violates Colombian sovereignty. The U.S. and Colombia have likely been proceeding illegally in this and many respects. Uribe has been the willing tool of the Bushwhacks, in this, and possibly signed the agreement under duress (trying to save himself). That is one possible explanation for his subsequent conduct--he acted like a guilty man (refused to face the UNASUR meeting's questions about the agreement; didn't show up; later flew around to meet with other leaders individually to "explain" it). But now that Brownfield has gotten Uribe's signature on this agreement, his usefulness may be--or clearly is--at an end. Would he be so foolish as to try to blackmail the CIA with what he knows? Will they off him just because of what he knows--and, as this story out of Spain suggests--frame Chavez for it? I think Uribe is a very inconvenient person to the U.S., at the moment. What is the CIA's plan for dealing with an ex-puppet who knows too much? Will they release the "dogs" within Colombia to go after him for his many crimes? Do they trust him to keep his lip zipped? Will he end up in posh accommodations in Palm Beach? Also, how will Uribe being removed affect the CIA's cocaine revenues out of Colombia?
A lot of questions--few answers. But one "entrail" that is sometimes readable are 'news' articles like this, prepping a story line for later events. And the BBCons can be quite as bad as the Associated Pukes, et al, at copying and pasting memos from the CIA on Latin America. (Also, keep in mind that the U.K. military may have also been involved at La Macarena).
*(Panetta is an old CIA hand, believe me--despite the cover story that Obama had appointed a novice outsider to repair the damage to the CIA inflicted by the Bush Junta/CIA war. That story line was immediately shut down, and Panetta sailed through the Senate confirmation, because he was NOT an "inexperience" outsider. And, as Panetta was a member of Daddy Bush's ISG, we can surmise that he is doing "old guard" CIA work, such as cleaning up after Junior, as well as bringing the "competents"--the "professionals"--back into power within the CIA. It is this group--the ISG--which I believe got rid of Rumsfeld in 2007. They may have saved us nuclear armageddon in the Middle East--nuking Iran--but we and others now have to suffer from their more sophisticated, "professional" methods of achieving world domination.)