McClatchy Newspapers Marjah's residents wary of U.S. after Taliban ouster
By Dion Nissenbaum, McClatchy Newspapers Mon Mar 1, 4:19 pm ET
MARJAH, Afghanistan — One by one, the men of Marjah tentatively approached the high-ranking Afghan official with their complaints.
One man accused U.S. Marines of insulting Afghan men by conducting intrusive searches. Two worried that the government would tax their poppy harvests — just like the Taliban did. A fourth was told he'd receive financial compensation for relatives killed during the fighting.
With U.S.-led forces now in control of the one-time insurgent stronghold in southern Afghanistan , President Hamid Karzai's deputy flew from Kabul on Monday to reassure Marjah residents that the Taliban were gone for good — and that things would slowly get better.
"We will be with you," Second Vice President Karim Khalili told more than 400 men at the biggest community gathering since the Taliban were pushed out.
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