One more article snippet. Here's how the false flag scam worked:
How Media Shape Foreign Policy
by Brian Mitchell Investor's Business Daily July 7, 1998
... Take, for example, the infamous ''breadline massacre'' in '92, which killed 16 people outside a Sarajevo bakery. The Bosnian government and international press blamed Serb artillery. But U.N. officials concluded later that the Bosnian Muslims had committed the attack for TV even though it meant killing their own supporters.
Canadian Gen. Lewis MacKenzie, commander of U.N. peacekeepers in Sarajevo, wrote later: ''Our people tell us there were a number of things that didn't fit. The street had been blocked off just before the incident. Once the crowd was let in and had lined up, the media appeared but kept their distance. The attack took place, and the media were immediately on the scene.''
Bosnian Muslims are alleged to have committed several similar attacks that were blamed on Serbs. They include a mortar attack on British Foreign Minister Douglas Hurd, a grenade attack on a girl's funeral, and two marketplace bombings, one in '94 and another in '95. Each time, the cameras were ready, and the incident was aired as an example of Serb barbarism.
Richard Holbrooke, who pushed for airstrikes as assistant secretary of state, still insists the Serbs were to blame. But in a recent review in The Nation of a book Holbrooke wrote, former U.S. diplomat Kenney wrote that an American three-star general told Kenney there was ''a one in a million chance that the Serbs were guilty.'' Even the sniper fire around Sarajevo was at least partly the work of Bosnian soldiers shooting at their own citizens. The New York Times quoted a French officer saying, ''We find it almost impossible to believe, but we are sure that it is true.''
My commentary: so, on more than one occasion, the video cameras were already in place and waiting for an innocent crowd to be bombed! How sick and twisted is that? And, as other articles I have indicate, in more than one massacre, dead bodies from recent battles were immediately brought in and laid among the wreckage to increase the body count (again, showing how premeditated it was). US officials were not only aware of this, they often appeared at the scene within minutes and helped stifle any independent investigations. It's also ironic that the leader of Muslim Bosnia at the time turned out to be in cahoots with none other than Osama bin Laden at the same time these false flag attacks were happening.
I have a couple of timeline entries about that:
1994: Bin Laden Seen Repeatedly Meeting with Bosnian Muslim President Izetbegovic
Renate Flottau, a reporter for Der Spiegel, later claims she meets Osama bin Laden in Bosnia some time in 1994. She is in a waiting room of Bosnian Muslim President Alija Izetbegovic’s office in order to interview him when she runs into bin Laden. He gives her a business card but at the time she does not recognize the name. They speak for about ten minutes and he talks to her in excellent English. He asks no questions but reveals that he is in Bosnia to help bring Muslim fighters into the country and that he has a Bosnian passport. Izetbegovic’s staffers seem displeased that bin Laden is speaking to a Western journalist. One tells her that bin Laden is “here every day and we don’t know how to make him go away.” She sees bin Laden at Izetbegovic’s office again one week later. This time he is accompanied by several senior members of Izetbegovic’s political party that she recognizes, including members from the secret police. She later calls the encounter “incredibly bizarre.” (Shindler, 2007, pp. 123-125) A journalist for the London Times will witness Flottau’s first encounter with bin Laden and testify about it in a later court trial (see November 1994). Members of the SDA, Izetbegovic’s political party, will later deny the existence of such visits. But one Muslim politician, Sejfudin Tokic, speaker of the upper house of the Bosnian parliament, will say that such visits were “not a fabrication,” and that photos exist of bin Laden and Izetbegovic together. One such photo will later appear in a local magazine. Author John Schindler will say the photo is “fuzzy but appears to be genuine.” (Schindler, 2007, pp. 124-125, 342) According to one account, bin Laden continues to visit the Balkan region as late as 1996. (Wall Street Journal (Europe), 1/11/2001)
November 1994: Bin Laden Seen Meeting with President of Muslim Bosnia
In 2006, London Times reporter Eve-Ann Prentice will testify under oath during Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic’s international war crimes tribunal that she saw Osama bin Laden go into a meeting with Muslim Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic. Prentice was there with Der Speigel reporter Renate Flottau waiting for an interview with Izetbegovic when bin Laden walked by (see 1994). Prentice will later recall, “here was a very important looking Arabic looking person is the best way I can describe it who came in and went ahead just before I was supposed to go in to interview, and I was curious because it obviously looked as if it was somebody very, very important, and they were shown straight through to Mr. Izetbegovic’s office.” Curious, Prentice asked around and found out from Flottau and another eyewitness that the person was bin Laden, then Prentice confirmed this for herself when she later saw pictures of bin Laden. Interestingly, the judge at Milosevic’s trial will cut off questions about the incident and there will be no mentions of it by journalists covering the trial, though a transcript of the exchange will eventually appear on the United Nation’s International Criminal Tribunal website. (International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, 2/3/2006) Prentice apparently will no longer be reporting by 2006, but in 2002 she mentioned in passing in a Times article, “Osama bin Laden visited the Balkans several times in the 1980s and 1990s and is widely believed by Serbs to have aided Muslims in the Bosnian war and the Kosovo conflict.” (London Times, 3/5/2002) Bin Laden also visited Izetbegovic in 1993 (see 1993).
And this wasn't just some social call. Bin Laden helped funnel in literally a couple billion dollars through fake charities to illegally circumvent a UN embargo and help the Bosnian Muslim war effort, and there's a whole rogue's gallery of al-Qaeda operatives who fought in Bosnia, including some later directly involved in 9/11. I document all that in my timeline. There's no way the US could not have known, and there's evidence the US helped bin Laden bring his operatives into Bosnia, and may even have helped train them. So while Karadzic certainly was involved in his own massacres and war crimes, the side he was fighting wasn't exactly all Boy Scouts either.
But then again, war is like that. There's usually all kinds of horrible atrocities that take place on all sides, and alliances with dubious characters made that look embarrassing later. Unfortunately for Karadzic, if he tries to point any of this out, people will just laugh and assume he's lying, because it all sounds so unbelievable.