Why all the secrecy--from the Colombian people, from the Colombian Congress, from the other leaders of the region--many of whom are angry about it--and from the people who are paying for it--you and me?
Signed in secret by Ambassador William Brownfield, a Bush Junta appointee whom I suspect of being involved in a lot of evil deeds in Colombia and Latin America. I still don't know if it's coming to the U.S. Congress. How the promoters of this agreement--the Pentagon and others--have explained it (after it was negotiated and signed in secret) is that is merely confirms existing agreements. Does this mean that the U.S. military has had fighter jets and spy planes and their pilots, U.S. Navy ships and crews, and (if this number can be believed) 1,600 U.S. soldiers and U.S. 'contractors' (hauntingly described as "just a few military advisers), at SEVEN bases in Colombia, with total diplomatic immunity and with U.S. military use of ALL civilian airports and other infrastructure,
without discussion or approval by either Congress? And why the effort to make it retroactive?
I have an in progress theory about this, that some truly bad shit has gone down in Colombia with U.S. military involvement and they (Uribe, the Bushwhacks) didn't think to get diplomatic immunity in writing. One possible candidate for really bad shit is the 2,000 bodies found in a recent mass grave site in La Macarena*, Colombia, with grave dates (but not names) from 2005 through 2009. Local people are saying that the bodies are of 'disappeared' relatives, friends and community members who were labor, human rights or political activists. The La Macarena "pacification" (clearing out of FARC guerrillas, mass murder of the local, non-combatant, community leaders and installation of a local government friendly to the narco-thug fascists who run the national government) was planned in Washington DC with close involvement of the U.S. military. And what was done in La Macarena has a lot of resemblance to wht the U.S. military is doing now in Afghanistan. My suspicion is that La Macarena may have been 'turkey shoot' practice for Afghanistan. In any case, the more we learn about this U.S./Colombia military agreement, the more suspicious do I become that it is covering something up, as well as opening up the possibility of the Pentagon using Colombia as a launching pad for aggression in the region--against Venezuela in particular, possibly also Ecuador and others.
*The La Macarena massacre (includes a description of, and links to docs about, U.S. ops in La Macarena)
http://www.cipcol.org/?p=1303The UK military connection