Associated PressKABUL – Afghan President Hamid Karzai says an action plan for reintegrating Taliban fighters into society and talking with the insurgency's top leaders will be crafted at a spring peace conference in Kabul.
At a news conference Monday with U.S. Secretary Robert Gates, Karzai says Afghans from all sections of the nation and all walks of life will be attending the so-called jirga.
He says the government is extending an offer to reconcile with members of the Taliban who renounce ties to al-Qaida or other terrorist networks and agree to embrace the Afghan constitution.
Afghan Education Minister Farooq Wardak, who is working to set up the meeting, told members of the parliament on Monday that 1,400 people will attend the three-day jirga, which will start on April 29.
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This is the path to success in Afghanistan. Victory will come from ending the conflict and cutting Al Qaeda ties rather than defeating the Taliban