The Senate did NOT vote for a "Tier 5" extension; it merely pushed back the date for people to be able to file for EUI.
It's pretty dishonest for the media and the Senate to say it "extended" UI, when in fact it didn't.
However, the House has passed a measure which DOES include a "Tier 5" extension.
First, the facts. The jobs bill doesn't "extend" coverage. What it does is extend some of the deadlines so that people who were laid off later in 2009 and into 2010 can still qualify for the extra unemployment benefits provided in last year's stimulus bill.
But once someone has moved through the various tiers of coverage (which is combined with a Federal/State Extended Benefits program), you're out of luck. At best, after 99 weeks your unemployment coverage is over and this bill doesn't address that.
Which makes the various Republican talking points about creating an additional permanent welfare state even more ludicrous. Even if that were the case, it's a welfare state that only last 99 weeks. Which isn't much of a financial crutch.
All of this might be a surprise to cable news network viewers, who hear the phrase "extended unemployment" thrown around in the same haphazard way as other favorite political phrases like "death panels."
The news coverage gives the impression that this bill gives the long-term unemployed even more money, and that is simply not the case.
Several people have emailed me the news that they have called the offices of their local Senator, and have been assured that a separate bill addressing extra weeks of coverage will be brought up in the Senate as early as next week. I've heard that as well, but I'm hesitant to rely on that, since no one has any firm details. Also, the reason the additional weeks weren't included in this jobs bill is that adding more weeks is a tougher sell to Republicans and conservative Democrats. There is also an Easter break coming up soon. So even if a new bill is proposed next week, getting it passed and signed by the President before April is going to be a tough battle.
Let's hope there is a "Tier 5" in the works. Things are HORRIBLE out here.