Guardian (UK)A court-appointed US bankruptcy examiner has concluded that there are grounds for legal claims against top Lehman Brothers bosses and auditor Ernst & Young for signing off misleading accounting statements in the run-up to the collapse of the Wall Street bank in 2008 which sparked the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.
The exhaustive account reveals that Barclays, which bought Lehman's US businesses out of bankruptcy, got certain equipment and assets it was not entitled to. And it reveals that during Lehman's final few hours, chief executive Dick Fuld tried to get Gordon Brown involved to over-rule Britain's Financial Services Authority when it refused to fast-track a rescue by Barclays.
During the bank's final hours in September 2008, Fuld tried desperately to strike a rescue deal with Barclays but the FSA would not allow the British bank an exemption from seeking time-consuming shareholder approval. The chancellor, Alistair Darling, declined to intervene and Fuld appealed to the US treasury secretary, Henry Paulson, to contact the prime minister.
"Fuld asked Paulson to call prime minister Gordon Brown, but Paulson said he could not do that," says the examiner's report. "Fuld asked Paulson to ask president Bush to call Brown, but Paulson said he was working on other ideas."
In a "brainstorming" session, Fuld then suggested getting the president's brother, Jeb Bush, who was a Lehman adviser, to get the White House to lean on Downing Street.
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It's time for some subpoenas for Jeb Bush and Henry Paulson.
There are many probing questions
to be answered.