The East African Standard (Nairobi)
March 18, 2004
Posted to the web March 18, 2004
Mishael Ondieki
Mr Barack Obama, yesterday convincingly won the Illinois Democratic nomination, a heartbeat close to becoming the only black man in the US Senate.
Obama, 42, a son of a Kenyan scholar, defeated six opponents, a move that may upset the US political balance come November.
Obama garnered 60 per cent of the total vote to beat his nearest opponent, Dan Hynes, who got 20 per cent.
The seat is currently held by a retiring Republican Senator Peter Fitzgerald. turnout spotty in county
Without the drama of a presidential race to draw voters, the turnout for Tuesday’s primary election in Madison County was well below expectations.
In Madison County, Hynes beat Barack Obama – who led Hynes in statewide polls earlier in the week – by more than 6,000 votes. voters back Obama
Evanston Democrats lived up to their reputation for picking political winners Tuesday, piling up powerful numbers in support of endorsed candidate state Sen. Barack Obama, D-13th, in the U.S. Senate race, and also lifting former township Democratic Committeeman Jeanne R. Cleveland Bernstein to a win in a hotly contested judicial primary race.'s appeal spans racial lines
Axelrod produced Obama's commercials, which featured images of Washington and live testimonials from U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. and U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky. In an especially effective spot, Sheila Simon described Obama as "cut from that same cloth" as her father, Paul Simon, who died last year.
"Barack Obama is a spectacular person, but I also think this was an affirmation of support for Paul," Axelrod said. "We could see it in focus groups where you say 'This guy is a protege of Paul Simon,'
they'd say 'Well, that's all I need to know. I mean it was really phenomenal."
State Senate President Emil Jones, whom Obama calls "my political godfather," said Obama's "message is something that everyone can adhere to, and secondly he's comfortable in all settings, be it Downstate, be it Hispanic, be it white ethnics."
A first-time statewide candidate, Obama won a majority of 53 percent against six other Democrats, beating his closest competitor by more than 2-1. He did it with an outpouring of votes from his fellow African Americans in Chicago and the south suburbs. But he also won solid support in areas with larger concentrations of white voters, winning nine Northwest Side wards and swamping his opposition in all five collar counties.