in real scientific papers:
J Biosci. 2003 Jun;28(4):523-8.
Title: On the origin of differentiation.
Bonner JT.
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA.
Following the origin of multicellularity in many groups of primitive organisms there evolved more than one cell type. It has been assumed that this early differentiation is related to size the larger the organism the more cell types. Here two very different kinds of organisms are considered: the volvocine algae that become multicellular by growth, and the cellular slime moulds that become multicellular by aggregation. In both cases there are species that have only one cell type and others that have two. It has been possible to show that there is a perfect correlation with size: the forms with two cell types are significantly larger than those with one. Also in both groups there are forms of intermediate size that will vary from one to two cell types depending on the size of the individuals, suggesting a form of quorum sensing. These observations reinforce the view that size plays a critical role in influencing the degree of differentiation.
Anat Rec. 2002 Nov 1;268(3):327-42.
Title: Origin of multicellular organisms as an inevitable consequence of dynamical systems.
Furusawa C, Kaneko K.
Center for Developmental Biology, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), Kobe, Japan.
The origin of multicellular organisms is studied by considering a cell system that satisfies minimal conditions, that is, a system of interacting cells with intracellular biochemical dynamics, and potentiality in reproduction. Three basic features in multicellular organisms-cellular diversification, robust developmental process, and emergence of germ-line cells-are found to be general properties of such a system. Irrespective of the details of the model, such features appear when there are complex oscillatory dynamics of intracellular chemical concentrations. Cells differentiate from totipotent stem cells into other cell types due to instability in the intracellular dynamics with cell-cell interactions, as explained by our isologous diversification theory (Furusawa and Kaneko, 1998a; Kaneko and Yomo, 1997). This developmental process is shown to be stable with respect to perturbations, such as molecular fluctuations and removal of some cells. By further imposing an adequate cell-type-dependent adhesion force, some cells are released, from which the next generation cell colony is formed, and a multicellular organism life-cycle emerges without any finely tuned mechanisms. This recursive production of multicellular units is stabilized if released cells are few in number, implying the separation of germ cell lines. Furthermore, such an organism with a variety of cellular states and robust development is found to maintain a larger growth speed as an ensemble by achieving a cooperative use of resources, compared to simple cells without differentiation. Our results suggest that the emergence of multicellular organisms is not a "difficult problem" in evolution, but rather is a natural consequence of a cell colony that can grow continuously.
Artif Life. 1999 Winter;5(1):1-15.
Title: On the evolution of multicelluarity and eusociality.
Bull L.
Faculty of Computer Studies and Mathematics, University of the West of England, Bristol, BS16 1 QY, UK.
In this article versions of the abstract NKC model are used to examine the conditions under which two significant evolutionary phenomena - multicellularity and eusociality - are likely to occur and why. First, comparisons in evolutionary performance are made between simulations of unicellular organisms and very simple multicellular-like organisms, under varying conditions. The results show that such multicellularity without differentiation appears selectively neutral, but that differentiation to soma (nonreproductives) proves beneficial as the amount of epistasis in the fitness landscape increases. editorial note - that's a succint way of stating my rambling post above This is explained by considering mutations in the generation of daughter cells and their subsequent effect on the propagule's fitness. This is interpreted as a simple example of the Baldwin effect. Second, the correspondences between multicellularity and eusociality are highlighted, particularly that both contain individuals who do not reproduce. The same process is then used to explain the emergence of eusocial colonies.
Annu Rev Genet. 2001;35:103-23. Title: Building a multicellular organism.
Kaiser D.
Department of Biochemistry and of Developmental Biology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
Multicellular organisms appear to have arisen from unicells numerous times. Multicellular cyanobacteria arose early in the history of life on Earth. Multicellular forms have since arisen independently in each of the kingdoms and several times in some phyla. If the step from unicellular to multicellular life was taken early and frequently, the selective advantage of multicellularity may be large. By comparing the properties of a multicellular organism with those of its putative unicellular ancestor, it may be possible to identify the selective force(s). The independent instances of multicellularity reviewed indicate that advantages in feeding and in dispersion are common. The capacity for signaling between cells accompanies the evolution of multicellularity with cell differentiation.
Advantages ofMulticellularity Certain advantages accrue simply from a larger size. The larger Gonium, Eudorina, and Volvox colonies escape from predation by filter-feeding rotifers and small crustaceans (23). Daughter colonies of Volvox, which would be small enough to be eaten by these animals, are kept internally, protected inside their mother colony. Another important advantage is that the larger colonies can absorb and store essential nutrients more efficiently (23). Inorganic phosphate is often a limiting nutrient for algae (3). Large multicellular algae have an advantage in phosphate uptake, storing any excess as polyphosphate in the extracellular matrix that separates the cells (25). Other nutrients may also be retained in the matrix, such as minerals, ions, and water that would help protect against desiccation. Many algae are dispersed by waterbirds (23); the larger colonies may have a better chance than unicells to be carried.