Albany Times-UnionRep. Scott Murphy, considered one of a handful of swing votes, will still not say how he will vote on a health care reform bill expected to come before the House of Representatives this week.
“We don’t have the final legislation yet,” Murphy told Brian Mann of North Country Public Radio in an interview that aired this morning (above). “So I’m doing what I do in gathering information on it. We’re looking at the Senate bill that we’re working on, and we’re waiting to see what language that the president is going to put forward as the language for the final bill. We haven’t even seen that yet.”
“Because it’s so complicated it’s weighing the good and the bad and looking at that. For me, there’s not a line in the sand, it’s looking at the aggregate thing,” he continued. “There are going to be things I like and don’t like.”
Murphy pointed to a discount on health insurance for employees who engage in healthy activities, present in the Senate bill, that he likes. Mann asked whether that meant he was leaning toward a ‘yes’ vote. “I’m still trying to decide,” Murphy replied. “I would say this, and it’s very true: I find it hard to believe that so many people know what they’re going to do before they can see the legislation.”
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I've told his people (and Mike McMahon directly) that I won't be opening my checkbook for them if their votes don't come through.