This was just put up on the Detnews website.
Last Updated: March 19. 2010 2:55PM
Proposed DMC deal yields concerns, hope for future
Santiago Esparza and Mike Wilkinson / The Detroit News
Daniel J. Loepp, president and CEO of Blue Cross Blue Shield, said the DMC's switch to a for-profit company "has the potential to permanently alter this safety net. We encourage careful consideration and review of this transaction by stakeholders and regulators."
"While we welcome investment in Detroit and the opportunity for the DMC to improve its facilities and services, we hope that the health system's nonprofit mission to provide charitable access to medical services for the poor is not compromised as a result of this deal," Loepp said.
Gov. Jennifer Granholm, who has worked closely with DMC CEO Mike Duggan when both were in Wayne County politics, hopes the sale will "stabilize" the DMC's standing. She, too, expects the hospital to continue serving the "most vulnerable citizens" of the region.
However, the Michigan Health & Hospital Association struck a different tone: It said the proposed sale is "the most stark example" of the underfunding of health care.
"Community hospitals cannot survive on current levels of Medicaid reimbursement, and patient access to care must be protected," said Spencer Johnson, president of the MHA. "Community hospitals serve as the state's health care safety net. The failure to support these facilities is adversely affecting the viability of Michigan's health care system and our elected leaders must take note."
From The Detroit News: