A corporate criminal subculture brought us Camelot, the Bay of Pigs, and assassination-nomics.
An elite corporate subculture brought us Viet Nam expansion, the War on Poverty, opened China and impeachment-nomics.
A formally injured football player brought us trilateral and pardon gate-nomics.
Then, a submarine hand/ peanut farmer brought about 18% interest rates, the Iranian revolution and started us on deregulation-nomics.
Next came a sometimes B actor that destroyed unions, gave us Iran Contra, huge military budgets, cut taxes for the rich while raising social security taxes and put us on trickle by debt-nomics.
Then came Read My Lips no new taxes, Savings & Loan crisis and Desert Stormed the middle east-nomics.
Next came I Feel Your Pain, free trade, NAFTA, WTO, telecommunications bill, capital gains tax cutting repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1932, I didn’t have sex, impeached-nomics.
Then came I am a Christian, military industrial complex, 9/11, Patriot Act, Homeland Security, FISA, illegally invade and occupy multiple countries, endless wars for endless profiteers while bankrupting the US and the middle class TARP-nomics.
Last but not least, we have a progressive campaigning, ever changing spin shyster, CFR puppet that wants to bring about an un-transparent for too many, continuing 4 illegal wars (Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan & Iran), corporate TARP, fascist heath care trickle-nomics, chains we shouldn’t believe in.
Whoa, I don’t know about you -- but I’m ready for a To Hell with the Rich that Steal and the Poor that are able but won’t Work for a Living, pro Middle Class Workers-nomics.
So now Orahma wants to put the foxes that looted the hen house in charge of regulating themselves. If he was really sincere, he would push for the re-institution of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1932. Instead, we get more corporate chains instead of real change we can believe in.