Why is this happening? Who is a major contributor to this? Our insatiable appetite for crap and our good friends over at walmart, or as I like to call them China-mart.
http://www.chicagotribune.com/chi-china-cashmere-htmlstory,0,7007933.htmlstoryYour cheap sweater's real cost
That inexpensive sweater exacts a hidden toll: dust-borne pollution that reaches America.
In less than a decade, a deluge of cheap cashmere from China has transformed a centuries-old industry, stripping the plush fabric of its pricey pedigree and making it available in big-box America. Chinese-made cashmere sweaters now go for as little as $19.99.
The country's enormous herds of cashmere-producing goats have slashed the price of sweaters. But they also have helped graze Chinese grasslands down to a moonscape, unleashing some of the worst dust storms on record. This in turn fuels a plume of pollution heavy enough to reach the skies over North America.
Zhang was in a good mood; one of his partners, Edenweiss International, said it had just received an order for 300,000 cashmere coats from Wal-Mart.
The problem is being ignored, Patthey said. And it's easy to see why. With U.S. demand at an all-time high, companies continue to build new factories and buy more expensive equipment--putting themselves deeper in debt. That glut of production, in turn, pushes prices ever lower.
(read the whole article it's a very good read)