U.S. Issues Guidelines on Eating of Some Tuna
Published: March 19, 2004
WASHINGTON, March 18 — The Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency will recommend Friday that pregnant women, nursing mothers and young children eat no more than six ounces of albacore tuna or about one meal's worth each week, administration officials said.
Albacore tuna, often sold as canned white tuna, accounts for more than 5 percent of all seafood consumed in the United States, according to the F.D.A. Recent tests have shown that albacore tuna has higher levels of mercury than other kinds of tuna. Mercury is known to affect neurological development of fetuses and young children....
An earlier draft of the advisory released in December made no specific recommendations about canned albacore tuna. That version noted only that canned albacore tuna generally contained higher levels of mercury than canned light tuna but said "you can safely include tuna as part of your weekly fish consumption." The draft was criticized by a federal advisory committee of physicians and scientists, which recommended that the agencies distinguish between albacore and other tuna.
"The advisory is clearly a step forward," said Michael Bender, the director of the Mercury Policy Project, a consumer advocacy group....