Up to 2,000 bodies were found in a RECENT mass grave--grave dates (but no names) from 2005 through 2009--in La Macarena,
Colombia. The Colombian military ($7 BILLION in U.S. taxpayer funding) says they are bodies of FARC guerrillas (as if anonymous death and mass graves would be justified in that case). Local people--speaking, of necessity, anonymously--say the bodies are of local 'disappeared' community activists. There is also a U.S. military (and apparently a U.K. military) connection to this massacre.
The La Macarena massacre (includes a description of, and links to docs about, U.S. ops in La Macarena)
http://www.cipcol.org/?p=1303The UK military connection
http://www.tribunemagazine.co.uk/2010/02/04/silence-on-british-army-link-to-colombian-mass-grave/Tens of thousands of union leaders, human rights workers, community activists, peasant farmers, teachers, political leftists and others have been slaughtered in Colombia--in on-going mayhem. Amnesty International attributes 92% of the murders of union leaders in Colombia to the Colombian military (about half) and its closely tied rightwing paramilitary death squads (the other half). A recent UN report attributes 70% of all extrajudicial murders (union leaders and all others) in Colombia to the same parties in about the same proportion. Paid for by you and me.
And the latest of at least one hundred and fifty political murders in
Honduras--of a teacher, a highly visible activist in the anti-coup movement, gunned down by masked assassins in front of his students--was reported here at DU yesterday. The judicial system was broken by the recent U.S. supported rightwing coup. No one is being caught or prosecuted for these murders, just as in Colombia. And U.S. tax dollars are flowing like a river to both the Colombian and Honduran governments and militaries.
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=102x4320151http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=405x33011 TODAY. NOW. With massive U.S. financial and propaganda support, and with U.S. military bases in these countries (SEVEN of them in Colombian!) and close cooperation between the U.S. military and the Colombian and Honduran militaries.
The same kind of horrors as occurred in Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Venezuela, Brazil, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala and throughout Latin America, during the Pincohet period, with U.S. support, are occurring TODAY in Colombia and Honduras. That is why Colombia and Honduras are pariahs and the rest of Latin America is forming an all-Latin American organization without the U.S. as a member, to supplant the OAS. The U.S., no matter who is president, brings death and mayhem to Latin America.