Talking Points MemoCoburn is blocking unanimous consent on extension of unemployment benefits, just as Bunning did a few weeks ago. Only this time, Coburn's not alone -- the Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other members of the Republican caucus have joined with Coburn, promising to block billions in unemployment benefits just as the Senate is set to leave on a two-week recess.
Due to the timing of the blockade, benefits could expire on April 5, a situation that would not be remedied for a week while the Senate is out of town. Senators will return from their Easter break on April 12.
When Bunning blocked the benefits extension in early March, government programs funded by the money -- which includes everything from construction work, unemployment payments and doctor's fees -- were only shut down for a matter of hours. This time, with the expiration coming on April 5 while the Senate is in recess, the shutdown could last for days.
Defending his blockade on the floor today, Coburn turned to the other political stand by, placing a giant photo of an adorable little girl from Oklahoma on an easel next to him as he went on and on about how he was blocking the benefits extension for her.
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I wanted my 1000th post to be something special and here it is:
You should be boiling mad at this. I just got a job last month after being on unemployment for just about a year. So I know how it is when you get those checks. They pay for rent and food, utils and some gas and not much else. You live from week to week on those checks and when the checks are delayed a week you go hungry. Trust me on this I know. You ever try to live a week on 25 bucks of food because that's all you have left ? I have - pretty recently too. And I don't have children and a family . Guess what? Unemployment makes you ineligible for food stamps because you make "too much". So when those checks stop coming in this April 5th your kids will be going hungry.
This is what our country has come to.
Just so you understand - if you have checks coming in they will KEEP coming in , even past April 5th. This will only affect those who need to go to a different tier of unemployment during that time (From 26 week to tier 1...tier 1 to tier 2 , etc). However - an estimated 200,000 people a week make the transition from one tier to another in the U.S. each week.
200,000 will go hungry the first week. Nearly half a million the second week...
How many of those have families?
How many of those have children?
You should ALL be mad. Fucking furious!
This could be avoided if the Democrats had the stones to force Congress to work through Spring Break - the Rethugs would cave in a few days. But heaven forbid the Senate should miss it's Easter and Passover break.
Heaven forbid they should miss the opportunity to worship their gods rather than insuring that 200,000 people don't lose their housing and go hungry.
The Democrats are EQUALLY culpable in this by refusing to extend Congress and miss their 2 week break.
Call your Congress person - even if you are employed. Do it for your fellow citizens. It's what Jesus would want. It;s what Moses would want.
You can find their phone numbers here: them now.