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House Move Blasts Hopes to End Mountaintop Mining This Year

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Dover Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-01-10 12:15 AM
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House Move Blasts Hopes to End Mountaintop Mining This Year
Source: Metropulse

The combination of legislative pussyfooting and the use of an obscure procedure has all but killed prospects that a ban on mountaintop removal would pass the state Legislature this year.

As proposed, the TN Scenic Vistas Protection Act would prohibit altering or disturbing ridge lines above 2,000 feet for the purpose of surface mining. It would allow strip and underground mining to continue, but directly restrict mountaintop mining—a practice in which ridges of mountains are dynamited to reach thin coal seams near the surface, and which state Sen. Doug Jackson, the legislation’s Senate sponsor, calls “the worst idea in mining people have conceived of.”

But after unanimously passing an amendment to clarify the bill, the House Environment Subcommittee voted Tuesday to adjourn before actually voting on the bill itself. Rep. Joe McCord, of Maryville, proposed the unusual maneuver, and the vote for adjournment fell six to four, along the same lines some had predicted a final vote against the bill would fall.

“Clearly it was an attempt to kill the bill,” says Rep. Mike McDonald, the legislation’s sponsor. “It is highly irregular when someone makes an adjournment motion before you can vote on the bill.” McDonald believes the bill is most likely dead for the year, although the Senate could revive the proposal if it so chose....cont'd

Read more:


Mountaintop mining ban stalls in TN legislature

The controversial issue of mountaintop coal mining probably will be deferred in the state legislature until next year, after a bill to ban the practice stalled Tuesday in a House subcommittee.

The bill would have banned mining on mountaintops over 2,000 feet above sea level when the ridgeline is altered as a result of the practice.

Critics say mountaintop mining hurts one of Tennessee's most valuable natural resources and negatively impacts tourism. Proponents say there are 381 direct mountaintop coal mining jobs and enough regulations are already in place.

Rep. Mike McDonald, D-Portland, introduced amendments to the bill, which were approved by the committee unanimously...cont'd

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Elfin Yeti Donating Member (623 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-01-10 01:50 AM
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1. Infuriating!
Democracy Now! had a story on today, “We Are Tearing Down Our Mountains”: Photojournalist Antrim Caskey on West Virginia’s Fight Against Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining. Find it here:

This practice is so despicable -- the corruption runs so long and so deep it will take a generation or more to route it out. By then the damage will be complete. How sad...

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Triana Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-01-10 03:13 AM
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2. Environmental rape for profit.
My. Aren't we the oh-so-moral nation. Pfft.
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dotymed Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-01-10 06:26 AM
Response to Reply #2
4. 381 jobs
related to mountaintop removal. America has been hemorrhaging jobs by the millions... Why not bring back some production jobs, by mandate, and stop destroying our world. They didn't mention how mountain top removal affects the residents of the areas. We could put those 381 people, at least, to work cleaning up the damage that they have already created. These jobs should be fully funded by the coal companies who have caused the damage. We got rid of this irresponsible behavior in the '60's. We realized how devastating it was to everyone involved except the profiteers. "John Prine" -"Daddy won't you take me back to Muhlenburg County......Mr. Peabody's coal train has hauled it away...." The song was PARADISE. People before Profits.
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boston bean Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-01-10 06:20 AM
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3. Mountaintop mining is obscene.
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era veteran Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-01-10 06:30 AM
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5. Oldest mountains in the world.
Mr Peabodys' coal train done hauled it away. Good link mountain justice,
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Yeahyeah Donating Member (741 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-01-10 06:41 AM
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6. You can't stuff a safe with purple mountain majesty.
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Dover Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-01-10 10:44 AM
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7. The Obama Administration COULD do something at the federal level...
but apparently won't.
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