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More suicide bombings rock Russia

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TomCADem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-01-10 12:23 AM
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More suicide bombings rock Russia
Source: Associated Press

MOSCOW -- Double suicide bombings on Wednesday morning struck the strife-ridden Russian republic of Dagestan, killing 12 people and injuring dozens.

The attacks came as a violent echo of this week's bombings aboard Moscow's subway system, which left 39 dead and stirred fears that volatility in Russia's mostly Muslim Caucasus region is again seeping deep into the rest of the country.

A Chechen militant leader claimed responsibility for the subway bombings in a statement released Wednesday to a website affiliated with the militants. Doku Umarov, who calls himself the "Emir of the Caucasus" and advocates creation of an Islamic state in the mountain region, pledged to continue attacks on Russian cities.

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin again lashed out at militant groups and called for north Caucasus police reinforcements. "I don't rule out that the same terrorists were involved," he told a government presidium in Moscow. "It does not matter for us in what part of the country these crimes have been committed, or who -- people of what ethnicity or religion -- have fallen victims to these crimes. We see this as a crime against Russia."

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I wonder whether this has any impact on the nuclear arms treaty agreed to between Russia and the U.S. It shouldn't. In fact, the threat of terrorism should underscore the need to control loose nukes.
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ShockediSay Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-01-10 12:29 AM
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1. So who needs creationof an Islamic State?
Islamic MuckyMucks, that's who
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elias49 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-01-10 01:04 AM
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2. I the rebels hate the Russians for their frredom? n/t
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Alamuti Lotus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-02-10 04:25 AM
Response to Reply #2
8. Absolutely, such as the freedom to rape, pillage, kidnap, and destroy
Edited on Fri Apr-02-10 04:44 AM by Alamuti Lotus
All of these 'freedoms' are things that my friends in the Emirate are opposing. These events in Daghestan were aimed squarely at the puppet police formations that are largely responsible for oppressing the people at Putin's command, including a commanding officer at the rank of Colonel and an important police Investigator.

Now Medvedev is imitating Putin's silly chest-thumping (or 'chest-tapping' may be more appropriate) with his fiery talk of "even crueler" measures to be taken:--it would take some great fucking skill (or the total lack thereof) for the Russian occupation forces to be more cruel than they already have been, but I'm sure they're up for it. Bad times yesterday, bad times tomorrow.

What is kinda interesting is all of the speculation.. Several Kremlin propagandists are primarily blaming Sheikh Sayed Abu Saad al-Buryati (a man they murdered last month in Ingushetiya) to be the organizer of the Moscow attacks on the KGB HQ trains; how they will manage to punish the dead with 'greater cruelty' is unclear. A variation (actually much more likely) is that these bombings are revenge for that murder of Sheikh Sayed and they were prepared in advance in the event of his death. Other pro-Kremlin sources (Vice-Speaker of the Duma Zhironovsky no less!) are saying that it was really US & British secret services and that Amir Dokku Abu Osman is just making these claims as a front for the West's secret attacks on Russia. All kinds of crazy things going around.....
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TheLastMohican Donating Member (753 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-02-10 06:32 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. Your friends in the "emirate"?
What emirate?

Are you supporting those who blow innocent people up?
And don't tell bs, they were aiming for "puppet police" as you say, but instead blew a whole bunch of innocent people.

Your "friends" are gonna learn the hard way what it is to deal with the "Alfa" counter-terrorist unit.
Interesting characters dwell on this forum lately....hmm
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Alamuti Lotus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-03-10 12:56 AM
Response to Reply #9
11. Caucasus Emirate, declared in 2007 as successor to the independent Chechen Republic of Ichkeriya
an entity conceptually conceived by Movladi Udugov and KBR commander Anzor Astemirov, and declared into existance by the then-constitutionally designated President of (thusly abolished) independent Chechen Republic of Ichkiriyah Dokka Umarov, events transpiring mostly following the martyrdom of Shamil Basayev (who always opposed the idea for his own particular reasons).

They already deal daily with the "Alfa" and other terrorist formations, there is no "hard way" that remains left to be learned by the orphans and widows that have grown up knowing nothing but aforementioned "hard way". That's part of the problem, one might say......

No BS in this case, if reports are to be trusted (grain of salt taken on that!) the events in Kizlyar had quite adeptly struck their mark; I am not aware of any of what sleazy propaganda outlets refer to as 'collateral damage' from the event. The first attacker waited for a police car to exit the headquarters and then eliminated the vehicle of who has been identified to be the local commanding officer at the rank of Colonel, the second then struck on foot at the force of officers that then gathered at the scene.

And there are other pitched battles recently taken place in Nalchik (provincial capital of Kabarda/Balkaria/Karachay on the western front), Ingushetiya, and Bashkortistan--deep in the heart of Russian Federation territory.
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Adsos Letter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-01-10 03:58 AM
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3. Chechen rebels say responsible for Moscow bombings
Source: AP

MAKHACHKALA, Russia – Two suicide bombers killed 12 people, including nine police officers in southern Russia on Wednesday, the same day a Chechen militant leader claimed responsibility for deadly subway bombings in Moscow that shocked the nation two days before.

Doku Umarov, who leads Islamic militants in Chechnya and other regions in Russia's North Caucasus, said in a video posted Wednesday on a pro-rebel Web site that Monday's twin suicide attacks were an act of revenge for the killing of civilians by Russian security forces. He warned that attacks on the Russian cities will continue.

Umarov's statement was posted after Prime Minister Vladimir Putin vowed to "drag out of the sewer" the terrorists who plotted the subway bombings, which killed 39 people and injured scores of commuters during rush hour.

Wednesday's suicide bombings in Dagestan, a volatile southern province east of Chechnya, could have been planned by the same group behind Moscow's bombings, Putin said.

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leftynyc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-01-10 03:58 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. Prayers to the victims
Time to come down HARD on these militants.
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TomCADem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-01-10 03:58 AM
Response to Reply #3
5. Russia's Terrorism Problems Show That A Security State...
...does not automatically lead to more security. Also, look at China's problems with ethnic unrest.
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ConcernedCanuk Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-01-10 10:46 PM
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6. "nuclear treaty" - what nuclear treaty?

USA and Russia will just get rid of useless nukes

and lie to each other about what they still have.

Does anyone really think that the USA is gonna tell the whole World how many nukes, and of what capacity that they have???

Gimmee a break

These "nuclear treaties" are a total farce;

gotta keep the peasants from getting too excited ya know . . .

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truthisfreedom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-01-10 11:20 PM
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7. Horrible horrible horrible.
Makes me ill to think about it.
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caitxrawks Donating Member (431 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-02-10 06:58 PM
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10. that is so sad :(
Like, seriously. I was almost in tears. It's just not fair.
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Indi Guy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-03-10 01:28 AM
Response to Original message
12. Maybe More Russian "False Flag" Ops?
Does anyone trust the Russian press anymore than we trust our (multi nationally owned) cooperate media?
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