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Brazil rancher convicted in U.S. nun's murder

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-13-10 02:33 PM
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Brazil rancher convicted in U.S. nun's murder
Source: Reuters

Brazil rancher convicted in U.S. nun's murder
By Peter Murphy
Tuesday, April 13, 2010; 1:49 PM

SAO PAULO (Reuters) - A court in Brazil has sentenced a rancher to 30 years in prison for ordering the murder in 2005 of U.S.-born nun Dorothy Stang, who lived in the Amazon region and opposed the destruction of the rain forest.

Vitalmiro Moura, 39, was given the maximum sentence late on Monday after a jury in the Amazon port city of Belem found him guilty of hiring a gunman to kill 73-year-old Stang, who was opposing him in a land dispute in the rain forest.

Stang, an Ohio native, had for more than 20 years helped peasants threatened by loggers and ranchers and fought against deforestation. The much-delayed process of convicting her killers became a test of Brazil's ability to tackle widespread impunity in the region.

Moura had received the same sentence previously but it was overturned in 2008, a decision that President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva called a "stain" on Brazil's image abroad.

Read more:

Sister Dorothy Stang

Rancher Vitalmiro Moura

The hired assassins
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demosincebirth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-13-10 02:40 PM
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1. Too bad he could only get 30 years.
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alp227 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-13-10 05:23 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Brazil doesn't have life inprisonment.

Along with Uruguay, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia, Mexico, Portugal, and Spain.
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Libertas1776 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-13-10 11:47 PM
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3. Pity Brazil doesn't have life imprisonment
anything less is an insult IMO. I mean seriously, if ordering the murder of a nun doesn't warrant a life sentence, what does?
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formercia Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-10 07:03 AM
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4. Finally, some Justice.
Liberation Theology has suffered greatly in the last 30 Years.
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-10 10:47 AM
Response to Reply #4
10. It's good to see someone held to account. n/t
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UpInArms Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-10 07:06 AM
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5. thanks for the post - am glad that some justice is finally be served
in this case.
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Blue_Tires Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-10 07:51 AM
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6. k+r
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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-10 08:49 AM
Response to Original message
7. Now for Colombia, where a mass grave with up to 2,000 bodies was recently found,
bodies of people who were--according to the local community in La Macarena, Colombia--very like Dorothy Stang--advocates of the poor, human rights workers, community activists.

La Macarena is a region of special interest and activity by the U.S. military (and apparently also the U.K. military) and the USAID. The mass grave--which was found because children got sick from drinking the local water, polluted by the masses of rotting bodies--is located very nearby to one of the U.S. military bases in Colombia.

The La Macarena massacre (includes a description of, and links to docs about, U.S. ops in La Macarena)

The UK military connection

U.S. and Colombia Cover Up Atrocities Through Mass Graves, by Dan Kovalik

This is not to diminish in any way the investigation, prosecution and conviction of the man who ordered Dorothy Stang's murder. But the U.S. is larding Colombia with $7 BILLION in U.S. military aid, while winking at, and possibly participating in, murders similar to Dorothy Stang's magnified a thousand times and more. And in addition to mass murders of community activists and human rights workers, some 4 MILLION peasant farmers in Colombia have been displaced by the Colombian military, its death squads and U.S. toxic pesticide spraying--the biggest human displacement crisis on earth, outside of Sudan--very likely conducted to benefit multinational corporations like Chiquita and Occidental Petroleum, as well as the big, highly-connected drug lords. This was a problem that Dorothy Stang was specifically working on, in Brazil--the displacement of campesinos, Indigenous farmers and Indigenous tribes, by rich, powerful, armed interests. It is WRIT LARGE in Colombia, and WE are paying for it, in Colombia.
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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-10 12:05 PM
Response to Reply #7
11. It's nearly a miracle if we ever learn about situations like La Macarena in our corporate media
since it has ALWAYS been the practise to bury information concerning the atrocities which are being committed by the Colombian military and its adjunct, proven by testimony after testimony in court, the narcotrafficking paramilitary which regroups under different names, and as human rights groups ALL report, is responsible for the "lion's share" of massacres, assassinations, narcotrafficking in Colombia.

The people living on farms are visited by paras who demand their land is turned over to them for a dollar or two, and when they resist, they are informed the paras will take up the issue with their widows. They are driven off their own property, live without their homes again, join the multitude of homeless people in the world's SECOND largest humananitarian crisis, second only to Sudan.

The U.S. corporate media will NEVER discuss this so the very taxpayers who are pouring out their hard-earned salaries to the U.S. government are supporting governments like this with absolutely no knowledge whatsoever unless they read a lot, research, keep their eyes open.

We are blindly lead into supporting cold-blooded predators, and financing their cruelty, imperiously denied the truth by our country's "news" organizations as if we have no natural right to know what's happening in our only world.

Land was also the issue in this murder. The Brazilian government had set aside a sector for the very poor to use for their own livelihoods, and Vitalmiro Moura believed he would just appropriate it all for himself, and drive the poor people away. Dorothy Stang made countless trips to government offices securing the rights of the people and he exploded in rage, deciding just killing her would get rid of the question of just who is going to use that land.

Vitalmiro Bastos de Moura, also known as "Bida," escaped justice a long time, had his small town celebrating him with parades, banners festooning the buildings and cars on the street, bought the good will and support of his neighbors, even creating his own website to host a flood of well-wishing messages from friends and neighbors, with selected photos showing him, his wife, children, expensive home, trying to establish the difference between him, a prosperous rancher, and a paltry "rabble-rousing" busybody like Dorothy Stang.

Here's the webiste in Portuguese constructed for his cohort, the other rancher, Regivaldo Galvao, who has not been seen as the force behind the assassination to the same degree, but very involved, at any rate. He hasn't been tried, yet:
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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-10 08:50 AM
Response to Original message
8. Thank you, Judi Lynn, for this and all your posts, and for your awesome photo archives!
"A picture is worth a thousand words," as they say. Quite true.
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babyblonde Donating Member (69 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-10 10:32 AM
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9. kr
:kick: :thumbsup:
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