Are you NUTS!!!! First an apologies to any and all present and ex-fighter pilots, BUT Fighter pilots are well known NOT to have the navigation skills of the Bomber and Military Airlift commands (With the exception of Naval and Marine pilots who often have to fly a flyspeck carrier in the middle of the Ocean) nor the training needed to operate a FOUR ENGINE TURBO PROP Plane.
Furthermore the F-102 INTERCEPTOR Bush was flying was a plane which was ALWAYS under the command and control of Ground radar units (He always would be told where he was and where any target might be). DO NOT confuse the tactics used with the F-102 with "regular" fighters like the F-4 of the same time period, or their replacement the F-15 (Which replaced not only the F-102 and F-106 but the F-4). The F-15 is a true Fighter as opposed to the F-102 which was a missile launching interceptor. The F-102 was NOT design to engage other planes in air to air combat, except to intercept Soviet Bombers as they came over the North Pole. The F-102 was design to operate in an environment where the plane (and thus the Pilot) was ALWAYS on a Friendly Radar Screen.
Thus Bush's skills even if he flew solo were no were near the skills needed to fly the F-15 (which came out in 1972) or even the F-16 (A late 1970s plane). The pilots of these more modern Fighters were assumed to have to operate outside Friendly ground radar, something a F-102 or F-106 pilot did not have to worry about. Thus Bush did not need any real navigation skills to operate his F-102.
Now if we get over the problem of navigation, the operation characteristics of the C-130 is as different from a F-102 as driving a Corvette is from operating a Tractor-Trailer. Both a Corvette and a Tractor Trailer may have Standard Transmissions, but you operate each completely different from the other (Try racing with a fully loaded tractor trailer some time, see how soon you flip that tractor-trailer over and not only kill yourself, but a lot of other people also). Another factor is the additional brakes and gears in a Tractor-trailer, including creeper gears, Jake Brakes, multiple rear axle gearing etc which are NOT on a Corvette. These additional mechanical devices are needed to operate a large heavy tractor, you do not need them on a Corvette and the Corvette does not have them.
The same with a C-130, it has FOUR ENGINES, it has a HUGE CARGO HOLD, it has a winch inside it Cargo hold, It has a light weight movable floor (Which can be used to drop cargo's out of its large rear cargo doors). With multiple Engines you have multiple gas tanks. It has radar and navigating system to operate INDEPENDENT of ground base radar (Provided you have the training to use such equipment). All told no one would leave a barely eligible Fighter Pilot fly a C-130. It would be like leaving a race car driver drive a Tractor-Trailer, possible, but he would have as much a chance of crashing the plane (or tractor-Trailer) as finishing the flight(or truck trip).
Simple put, without additional training, they is NO WAY Bush could have flown a C-130. No one would have left him. Furthermore given the requirements of a C-130, the best he could hope for would have been as a Co-pilot (and what pilot with half a mind would have wanted HIS plane be in the hands of someone who did not have the training to fly it? especially after Bush lost his right to fly Fighter Planes for failure to take a physical? i.e. "BEEP, BEEP BEEP, Bush is a problem, do not leave him touch your plane").
This story has to many impossibilities to it to be true.