Posted on Mon, Mar. 22, 2004
3 Federal Judges Are Sued Over Ethics
Associated Press
WASHINGTON - A law firm filed ethics violation charges Monday against three federal judges who sit on the governing board of an organization that favors business-based solutions to environmental issues.
Community Rights Counsel, or CRC, alleged that the judges' service on the board of the Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment created an appearance of impropriety.
The judges include Douglas Ginsburg, chief judge of the Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, who served on the board with Edward Warren, an oil industry lawyer fighting an air pollution case being considered by Ginsburg's court. Ginsburg eventually co-wrote the 1999 ruling striking down a portion of the Clean Air Act.
Ginsburg is a Republican appointee, as are the other two jurists on the FREE board, 6th Circuit Chief Judge Danny Boggs and 3rd Circuit Judge Jane Roth.