From The Sydney Morning Herald, Wednesday 24th March:
"A Labor government would bring Australia's troops in Iraq home by
Christmas, Mark Latham has promised, while lambasting the conflict
as a folly that has increased the risk of terrorism."
"Underlying Mr Latham's decision is a growing belief in Labor ranks,
fuelled by polling, that Iraq could be a winner for the Opposition
in the elction.
"If a federal election is held this year, say the election was in
September and there was a change of government, we would be hoping
to have (the troops) back by Christmas, certainly," Mr Latham said
After a Newspoll that found 65 percent of voters believed that
Iraq increased the risk of terrorist attack in Australia, Mr
Latham used his strongest language so far on the war, branding it
a folly, a mistake and a "side alley"." Howard can call the election any time until March 2005, but it's
generally thought it will probably be about October, because if
Bush looks like losing in November, the fallout would be bad for