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Possible rescue attempt has Harare on edge - Zimbabwe terrorists

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dArKeR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-24-04 12:18 AM
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Possible rescue attempt has Harare on edge - Zimbabwe terrorists
By Basildon Peta and Bruce Venter

Zimbabwe's government has deployed heavily armed soldiers at airports around the country to thwart any attempts it believes might be made to rescue 70 suspected South African mercenaries in jail in Harare.

Fears that "other South African-based mercenaries" might attempt a rescue of their counterparts was one reason President Robert Mugabe's government decided to set up a makeshift courtroom at Chikurubi Maximum Prison for the 70 men's first court appearance on Tuesday.

It had argued against driving the men to an open magistrate's court 30km away from Chikurubi prison because of security concerns and fears of rescue efforts while they were on their way there.

If they're being paid and their Muslims the Media calls them 'terrorists' so lets be 'Fair and Balanced.'
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