I think it's truly courageous of these little islands to stand up to the giant and insist on their own freedom to make their own decisions concerning Aristide.
Every new day it becomes clearer that Bush and his team helped push Aristide out of the way. They flew him across the Atlantic to the Central African Republic, distant enough to keep him out of what they would perceive as mischief. But the Caribbean Community, even though an uncertain union of independent states and small but proud, decided on their own initiative to bring Aristide to Jamaica where he could reunite temporarily with his two daughters in exile in the United States.
Bush and his colleagues view this as an unfriendly act, one of hostility to the noble aims of the United States Government which are to bring peace and prosperity to Haiti, a country they have joined with the old colonialists in terrorising for two centuries.
The Caricom heads of government should take no notice of this Bush administration's game plan. Aristide is Haiti's rightful President. He won the office in an election as free and as fair as the one that put Bush in the White House two years ago.
And the Americans do not rule us, at least not yet. So if we wish to grant Aristide asylum that's our business, not theirs. And should they wish that we deport our Cuban doctors and nurses and cool our relations with Chavez in Caracas because they believe he is another Castro, that's their concern, not ours.