NASHUA, N.H. -- Two men and a woman who refused to move to a designated protest area were detained by police just before President Bush's arrival Thursday.
About 50 people gathered across the street from the New Hampshire Community Technical College before Bush arrived to hold "A Conversation on Job Training and the Economy."
Secured behind police tape, the protesters used banners, balloons and bull horns to blast Bush on the war on Iraq, his handling of the environment and his energy policy. Some chanted "Bush lied, soldiers died," while others held signs reading "Support Our Troops: Vote Bush Out" and "More Trees, Less Bush."
Susi Nord, 35, of Candia, was waving a small American flag and holding a sign that said, "The emperor has no clothes."
She said Bush has been fooling the American people for long enough, and that he should talk to real voters in New Hampshire instead of holding staged events. couldn't find any further reference to those "detained".