US national security commission terror warnings pre-September 11
PM - Friday, 26 March , 2004 18:30:00
Reporter: Geraldine Doogue
MARK COLVIN: Even in this week of exceptional violence in the Middle East, there's only been one real subject of conversation in Washington, and that's been about America's preparedness before September the 11th 2001.
The former counter-terrorism official Richard Clarke sparked it by writing a book, and giving Congressional testimony, that suggested that George W. Bush and his team were effectively asleep at the wheel when it came to al-Qaeda – right up to the moment when the first plane hit the World Trade centre.
GERALDINE DOOGUE: Did they get ready?
GERALDINE DOOGUE: What could they have done?
GARY HART: Well, specifically our recommendation was to consolidate the existing resources of the federal government: namely law enforcement, emergency relief, emergency health response, border security, FBI, Coast Guard, custom service.
Many… it turned out to be 22 separate agencies of our national government under one responsible accountable Cabinet officer, with the sufficient statutory or legal authority to carry out his or her job of protecting our country. That was about as specific as you could get. That was also recommended to the President eight months before 9/11, and he did nothing.