Bolivia: At the Bolivian Chaco 500 Guarani families are suffering suppression by landlords
Abril 11, 2008, 10:10 EDT
Camiri, Santa Cruz - Bolivia --
From Iviyeca to Alto Parapet and in the other side of the Hill Sararenda, there are 500 guarani families suffering suppression from landlords, this report was made by Assembly of Guarani People (APG Spanish initials).
The Guarani people reported that they will continue fighting to recover their land and rescue families in captivity, giving a pronouncement under the slogan "Basta de peones y patrones en el Chaco Boliviano" (Enough of being servant, enough of landlords in the Bolivian Chaco).
According to APG, until now, 80 families have moved away from the area, leaving their communities to escape from landlord abuses.
At El Alto Parapeti, 13 landlords have 167 guarani families under slavery conditions, from those families 12 families are in captivity at Ronald Larsen’s lands, a United States citizen.
More: A2336 21:54:32 14-04-2008
Government will show the Cardinal the existence of servants on the Chaco region
La Paz, April 14 (ABI).- The Executive Power announced this Monday that will show the Cardinal Julio Terrazas, evidence of servant conditions in that 500 families would be subdued on Bolivian Chaco region.
The Vice-minister of Governmental Coordination, Hector Arce, at press conference, stated that the Government will show all the documentation to the ecclesiastic authorities about the fact of exploitation and servant conditions in some areas of Santa Cruz and Tarija Departments.
"We will report about facts, that not only the Government has knowledge, but also international organisms of human rights," said Arce.
The Cardinal Julio Terrazas expressed in his Sunday homily that he does not believe in slavery existence on Chaco region, asking the Government to show the corresponding proofs.
"It is said there are places full of slaves, they have to show us where we can find them, it is not possible that we continue condemning us only with offensive words", stated Terrazas.
However, reports made by Assembly of Guaraní People (APG Spanish initials) show that From Iviyeca to Alto Parapety and in the other side of the Hill Sararenda, there are 500 families suffering subjugation to landowners.
On Alto Parapeti, 13 landowners have 167 Guarani families in slavery conditions, from them 12 families are in captivity at Ronald Larsen’s lands, the American citizen.
More: of info. from a news program. This is the google translation:
Ronald Larsen and other patterns of the province throwing stones and shooting at Cordillera indigenous and State officials; is the second attack in a month.
They attacked with stones, firecrackers and bullets officials to the Ministry of Lands and INRA in Caraparicito vicinity of the farm, located in the Town of Lagunillas, approximately 80 kilometers from Camiri. The intellectual and material authors of the attack are farmers and ranchers, including an American citizen linked to the political and business elites of the capital cruceña.
While sanitation in the area will benefit 10 thousand small owners and consolidate a TCO for Guarani indigenous communities, many of them exploited labour, landowners and ranchers formed "defense committees" with armed people to prevent the entry of government officials and paralyse the work of sanitation.
This is not the first time that landowners Cordillera in the province of Santa Cruz to prevent violence reorganizing its finances. On 29 February abducted and threatened with death to the highest authorities and national agricultural shot at the tires of his car.
Spanish version:
Ronald Larsen y otros patrones de la provincia Cordillera apedrean y disparan a indígenas y funcionarios del Estado; es la segunda agresión en un mes.
Atacaron con piedras, petardos y balas a funcionarios del Viceministerio de Tierras y del INRA en inmediaciones de la hacienda Caraparicito, ubicada en la Localidad de Lagunillas, aproximadamente a 80 kilómetros de Camiri. Los autores intelectuales y materiales de la agresión son ganaderos y hacendados, entre ellos un ciudadano norteamericano vinculado a las elites políticas y empresariales de la capital cruceña.
Aunque el saneamiento en la zona beneficiará a 10 mil pequeños propietarios y consolidará una TCO a favor de comunidades indígenas guaraníes, muchas de ellas explotadas laboralmente, los hacendados y ganaderos conformaron “comités de defensa” con gente armada para impedir el ingreso de funcionarios de gobierno y paralizar los trabajos de saneamiento.
No es la primera vez que los terratenientes de la provincia Cordillera de Santa Cruz impiden con violencia el saneamiento de sus haciendas. El 29 de febrero secuestraron y amenazaron de muerte a las máximas autoridades agrarias nacionales y dispararon a las llantas de su vehículo.
For Spanish speakers, Video: statetement about Violence against Indigenous Guarani people and Autonomic Referendum
Fri, 04/18/2008 - 00:47 — tupaj
BASN statement
On April 13, an unarmed and peaceful delegation of indigenous Guarani delegates was attacked by an armed gang in the service of large landholders in the Bolivian province of Santa Cruz. More than 40 of the Guarani were injured, some seriously, and 11 are missing.
The Guarani delegation was accompanying officials from Bolivia’s National Institute of Agrarian Reform (INRA), who were trying to regularize ownership of illegally occupied territories, where Guarani people are being held in conditions of enslavement, as witnessed and reported by UN Rapporteur, the Catholic Church, and other institutions.
The Morales administration is trying to change the unjust and illegal tenure of land for the benefit of Bolivia’s majorities – the Indigenous Peoples who make up 81% of the population, according to the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.
We emphatically condemn the desperate and brutal attacks of the Bolivian oligarchy and its armed shock groups against Indigenous Peoples and State officials trying to restore the rule of law.
We also condemn the attempt of breaking up the unity of the country through an illegal “referendum on autonomy,” to be held May 4, 2008. This vote has been denounced by several multilateral organizations, the European Union, individual governments and regional governmental organizations, like the Andean Pact. Such a rigged poll, held under conditions of severe and unrestrained right-wing violence, endangers stability and peace throughout Latin America. ~~~~~Another article, after going through google translation tool:
Ronald Larsen and other patterns of the province throwing stones and shooting at Cordillera indigenous and State officials
It was the second attack in a month
Hacendado American gun assault groups to defend estates in the Chaco cruceño
They attacked with stones, firecrackers and bullets officials to the Ministry of Lands and INRA in Caraparicito vicinity of the farm, located in the Town of Lagunillas, approximately 80 kilometers from Camiri. The intellectual and material authors of the attack are farmers and ranchers, including an American citizen linked to the political and business elites of the capital cruceña.
While sanitation in the area will benefit 10 thousand small owners and consolidate a TCO for Guarani indigenous communities, many of them exploited labour, landowners and ranchers formed "defense committees" with armed people to prevent the entry of government officials and paralyse the work of sanitation.
This is not the first time that landowners Cordillera in the province of Santa Cruz to prevent violence reorganizing its finances. On 29 February abducted and threatened with death to the highest authorities and national agricultural shot at the tires of his car.
At 10 am this Friday, 4 April, the government commission composed of 40 officials and the Ministry of INRA, sheltered by a police contingent of 40 troops, resumed the work of sanitation in the town Parapetí High, and again found violent resistance from landowners.
The caravan was arrested in the town of Ipati by a group of people on board more than a dozen vehicles drivers threatened to burn vehicles carrying government officials. However, the number broke the blockade and continued its journey under siege permanent threatening the farmers who sought aboard six vehicles.
At 15:30, government representatives came to the farm "Caraparicito." The road was completely blocked by a trailer without wheels of eight metres long, several logs and stones. Behind these barriers landowners erected a barricade and more ago placed a tank in the middle of the road.
He began a vigorous discussion followed by insults and shoves. Ranchers denying the government of Evo Morales. "This is going to take a few more days because they are no longer you," said one of the owners, an allusion to the autonomous status that entrepreneurship cruceño aims to adopt May 4.
Ranchers shouted that there were no captives in their estates, although the Guarani accompanying the commission denying them official. Journalists covering these incidents prevented asked why sanitation if there is no indigenous captives in their land, but the landlords did not respond. After a struggle was withdrawing the first trailer and the committee moved ahead with the police.
At that time he left his finances American Ronald Larsen, shouting and threatening directly to the Deputy Minister of Lands Alejandro Almaraz. The kidnapping of 29 February, the same character intimidated to Almaraz with firearms. The group clash of landowners began to throw firecrackers, rockets and stones at skilful and sinister, in the face injuring a policeman and a Guarani, and also a councillor of Lagunillas. The police had to use tear gas to halt the aggression. Then they negotiated a truce, without which neither party has abandoned their positions.
Both sides remain in their positions: the official contingent composed of 40 officials, 36 policemen and about 50 indigenous Guarani, as opposed to "defence committee" composed of 50 livestock people, some armed and equipped with radioreceptores.
Who's Larsen?
An American starred in two attacks on an official in less than 40 days. This foreigner who hired thugs levantisco to prevent the Guarani obtain a TCO in High Parapetí called Ronald Larsen.
Larsen connected with the Peace Corps, arrived in the Bolivian Chaco in 1968 and the next year bought the hacienda Caraparicito. Over the years, their finances became a tourist complex with natural attractions, gym, game room, dining room, meeting room, library, sauna and whirlpool.
The Chaco livestock farms are part of a tourism project promoted by the Prefecture of Santa Cruz. The investment of private property, with support from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), reaches a million dollars, according to a report of the New Day (June 5, 2007).
Larsen is well connected with the political hierarchy of the department. The Prefecture cruceña elected Caraparicito as an example of environmental management. Within the estate of 2,800 hectares there is a "Private Nature Reserve Heritage" of 2,335 hectares. On June 4, 2007, Larsen received at its finance the prefect Ruben Costas, the president of the civic committee Branko Marinkovic, and the chairman of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (CAINCO) then Gabriel Dabdoub.
All over land
Larsen and landowners in the province Cordillera, in alliance with the elites of Santa Cruz, formed a "defence committee" in the province Cordillera comprising medium and large landowners, they Juan Carlos Santistevan, owner of the property of an extension of Mandioty 1,885 hectares, and the family of Elvy Abbet of Malpartida, owner of the property Itacay of 9,783 hectares.
The most active clan are Larsen. According to data of INRA, the father, Ronald Larsen owns Caraparicito of 3,377 hectares and Caraparicito II, 3,399 hectares. His son Duston owns Yaguapoa campus of 2,696 hectares. All of these properties are located in the cantons Choreti, and Camiri Cuevo (Santa Cruz) and Sapirangui and Guembe (Chuquisaca).
Of a total of 98,875 hectares in High Parapetí, 51,512, 52 percent of all land was concentrated in 14 sites categorised as businesses. The 40 small properties identified at the scene joined an area of 7,755 hectares, or 7.8% of the land.
Original, in Spanish: