Throw a hand grenade into the patio (a former DAS detective and his two small children escaped unharmed.
Other witnesses, journalists, and investigating judges are getting death threats by phone,
Good article by Semana magazine this week. (Semana considered the TIME/NEWSWEEK of Colombia and it broke the DAS wiretapping scandal couple years ago.
http://www.semana.com/noticias-nacion/estrategia-para-acallar-testigos-chuzadas/142575.aspx -------------------------
Other news tidbits from Colombia the past 24 hours:
-- An Ecuadoran prosecutor on Tuesday asked for the extradition of Juan Manuel Santos on charges of homicide (re the Colombian bombing raid of a FARC camp inside Ecuador in 2008). Santos is to be inaugurated as Colombian president on Saturday,
-- There is a census going on in Colombia. Not of people who are alive, but of those who are dead and who were disappeared (the vast majority by right-wing paramilitary groups that supported the uribe government) and buried in clandestine common graves. So far about 10,000 cases have been reported, but the figure could reach more than 40,000, according to Paz and Justica, a Colombian human rights organization investigating those deaths.
The appointment of uribe by the UN to be part of a four-person panel to investigate the Israeli commando raid on the Turkish ferry carrying aid to Gaza has come under criticism in Europe. A Spanish member of the Euro parliament today said it was a "bad joke" and cited the largest common grave in Latin America, La Macarena, where up to 2,000 bodies are said to be buried in NN (No name) graves. uribe was president all the time the bodies were buried at La Macarena.