NY TImesWASHINGTON — The Senate on Wednesday cleared the way to provide $10 billion to states and local school districts to prevent teacher layoffs and an additional $16 billion in federal aid to cash-strapped states, prompting calls for the House to return from its summer recess to grant final approval to the bill.
The procedural vote in the Senate was 61 to 38, with the Maine Republicans, Susan Collins and Olympia J. Snowe, joining all Democrats in support of cutting off a filibuster. Senator David Vitter, Republican of Louisiana, was absent. The Senate is set to approve the measure on Thursday before adjourning for its summer recess.
The vote quickly prompted calls for the House, which left for its summer break last Friday, to return to Washington — a possibility that senior Democratic leadership aides said was under consideration.
The House initially approved the money aimed at preventing some 140,000 teacher layoffs by attaching it to an emergency war spending bill for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. But the Senate rejected that bill. The cost of the current version is fully paid with spending cuts and a provision to close a tax loophole.
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