Those idiot GOP politicians are just bloviating for donations.
It's very difficult to amend the Constitution to overturn or strike out a large portion of an official amendment already passed, like the 14th Amendment.
First, it must be passed by Congress.
Second, the President must not veto it. Obama likely would veto any bill that changes how citizenship is conferred because it would repeal parts of the 14th Amendment.
Because of this, it goes back to Congress and must be passed in BOTH houses with a 2/3 vote. That means 67 U.S. Senators and 291 U.S. Reps must vote YEA to override the POTUS' veto.
Third, it must then be ratified by 2/3 of the 50 states (34 states is 2/3) to change the Amendment or add a new one. That means each state's legislature has to vote to ratify it.
This entire process could take about 8 years or more.
Fourth, it would likely be challenged legally by the ACLU or some other body. That means the U.S. Supreme Court would have to uphold it.
That's another possible 2 years.
So, it would be at least 10 years before such a change could be implemented and upheld legally.
I'm sure the GOPpers know this, and are just posturing for donations from their stupid base.