CBS News<snip>
When someone is first laid off they can apply to receive 26 weeks of benefits paid for by a state trust.
At the end of those 26 weeks, if they are still unemployed they can qualify for up to 53 more weeks of benefits. That's paid for with federal money under the Emergency Unemployment Compensation program.
As of this point the beneficiary has received 79 weeks of coverage.
From there people can qualify to receive benefits through a four-tier system. That cost is split 50/50 between the state and federal government. Within this level, people can qualify for up to six, 13, 14, or 20 weeks of benefits depending on what they made in their job.
If someone begins at the regular 26 week claim and exhausts all the levels of unemployment, they reach 99 weeks and benefits end.
Employment officials say many people thought the unemployment act meant they could qualify to receive additional benefits.
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The last part, the four-tier system, was temporary and expired. This was the part that was reinstated.
The 99ers are still out of luck. That sucks.