Louisiana Filipino Teachers (EBR-East Baton Rouge Parish
School) H1-VISA, temporary working visas. On top of intent to
extort monetary compensation from their school, many of these
H1-VISA teachers filed for relief from the HURRICANE KATRINA
knowingly that they were not affected. Their recruiter ask the
teachers to return and compensation from the relief center
because its immoral to take something that is from tax-payer's
dollars which should only go to citizens who really need it.
Most of them refuse to return the relief fund. The school had
noted this action from the H1-visa teachers. What more do they
want? They need more money by filing a class action suit
against their school. They are supported heavily by the union
(AFT/LFT) because they have a VEST INTEREST. The complain last
October 2009 from the teachers, AFT/LFT and their lawyers to
different government did not bear any evidence or truth in
their claim. That's why nothing happen to their recruiters,
school board members, etc. etc. The trial in the LWC
(Louisiana Worforce Commission) was even eye-opening because
they H1-VISA teachers on the stand got caught perjuring
themselves by lying to the defense attorney. That is also
noted. What more would they do to extort monetary compensation
from our tax-dollars? They are asking for PITY for being
recruited from the Philippines because an average teacher in
the Philippines only makes around $200 dollars a month while
now in (EBR) they make close to $6000 DOLLARS not including
paid vacation, free medical, free dental, free vision, paid
seminars, bonuses, etc. etc. hence, they make close to $85,000
a year with benefits. Now they want a complete refund for
their travel, legal fees, and recruiter fees. These H1-visa
teachers have their own group (FEF) Filipino Educator
Federation of Louisiana. The names are the board members of
Make sure if you have a position in any school system in
Louisiana is to watch out for these teachers who LOVES TO FILE
LAWSUIT to extract monetary compensation from their employers.