C-SPANAt least 60 Senators intend to support the confirmation of Solicitor General Elena Kagan to the U.S. Supreme Court, C‑SPAN has confirmed. With 60 votes potentially needed to bring debate to a close, and only 50 required for final approval, Kagan's confirmation appears assured. The Senate is expected to vote this afternoon.
Through two days of floor debate, Democrats have largely touted Kagan for "fair-mindedness” and a "non-ideological agenda." Republicans have criticized her lack of judicial experience and characterized her as more driven by politics than rule of law.
Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) defended Kagan yesterday, saying she "will do her best to consider every case impartially, modestly, with commitment to principle and in accordance with law." Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions (AL) called Kagan an activist who would "advance her own causes" under the pretext of being a judge.
So far, Nebraska Democratic Senator Ben Nelson is the only member of his party who intends to oppose Kagan in the final confirmation vote, though he will vote to end debate and move the nomination forward to a final vote. Only five Republican Senators have announced their support for the nominee: Susan Collins (ME), Lindsey Graham (SC), Richard Lugar (IN), Olympia Snowe (ME) and Judd Gregg (NH).
Read more:
Live stream of the confirmation hearing and list of committed votes at the link.
(The Republicons are filibustering by continuously going on and on and on and on... and on about the campus recruitment center "scandal")