The Canadian PressThe uncle of an Ontario man stuck in Cuba following a car accident says a police order blocking his nephew's departure has been lifted.
It's the latest development that brings Cody LeCompte one step closer to returning home.
A block on the Simcoe, Ont., man's passport was lifted Wednesday after the 19-year-old signed an agreement to return to Cuba if there is a trial.
His uncle, Gary Parmenter, says consular officials told them today that a “hold departure order” has now been lifted by local police.
LeCompte hopes to board a flight home on Friday.
LeCompte's struggle with Cuban law began in late April when the rental car he was driving was sideswiped by a pickup truck and some of his passengers were injured.
The family tried to catch a flight home a few days later, but LeCompte was told that he could not leave the country because accidents resulting in death or injury are treated as crimes.
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