Newport News, Virginia, Daily PressBy Jon Cawley, | 757-247-4635
10:20 a.m. EDT, August 6, 2010
YORK — Western Refining Inc. will immediately cease refining operations at its Yorktown plant. The move will idle most of the facility and cost hundreds of jobs.
Suspending refining operations is expected to take about six weeks to complete and was driven by poor profit margins, according to Gary Hanson, a Western spokesman. Company officials notified employees Thursday.
About 230 of the refinery's approximately 260 employees will lose their jobs, Hanson said. Jim Noel, York County's economic development director, said about 100 contract employees will also be affected. Hanson confirmed the company's use of contract workers, but said the number fluctuates depending on need and he couldn't provide an accurate estimate.
Western officials also left the door open for restarting refining operations should economic conditions improve. Until then, the closure's sting will be felt by more than Western's employees. The Texas-based company is one of York County's largest tax payers. As a manufacturer, Western pays real estate and machinery and tool taxes. Noel said the company's total tax bill is about $4.2 million annually.
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