Therefore, no matter how hard you try and spin it, you own this racist statement...
The great Pakistani art of begging and playing victim seems to win again"
Regarding: "
Despite his wife being murdered by Musharraf and the ISI (using ISI funded Taliban as a tool)"
Got any proof Musharraf was behind Bhutto's murder?
Regarding "
investing in infrastructure, education and local industry to create jobs".
What do you think the "Marshall Plan" he was referring to in the OP would do?
Also, time to keep up to date with what's been going on...
Kerry, Lugar push for enterprise fund to help build up PakistanBy Roxana Tiron - 07/31/10 09:48 AM ET
Two leading senators on foreign affairs are calling for creation of an enterprise fund to boost Pakistan’s private sector.
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry (D-Mass.) and ranking member Richard Lugar (R-Ind.) have introduced legislation to create the Pakistan-American enterprise fund with monies from an aid package approved by Congress last year.
That package provides
$1.5 billion annually in non-military assistance over five years.
“Pakistan’s private sector suffers from a lack of capital, which has a negative impact on the daily lives of Pakistani people,” Kerry said in a statement. “The United States can help the Pakistani private sector provide jobs, opportunity, and hope to Pakistanis using creative tools such as this enterprise fund."
Lugar stressed that indigenous job creation will “empower the people of Pakistan to reject radical voices” and said the fund will allow more businesses there to open and expand.
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Kerry and Lugar introduce new investment fund for PakistanPosted By Josh Rogin Monday, August 2, 2010 - 3:01 PM
Senate Foreign Relations heads John Kerry and Richard Lugar have put forth a bill that would create a new fund to lure private enterprise to Pakistan, using funds out of their own aid bill.
The idea is to use money to help drive capital and foreign direct investment into Pakistan. It's based on similar programs Congress has funded in other parts of the world, such as the Support for East European Development">(SEED) Act and the Freedom Support Act (FSA), which authorized nearly $1.2 billion for USAID to establish funds throughout Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.
"The United States can help the Pakistani private sector provide jobs, opportunity, and hope to Pakistanis using creative tools such as this Enterprise Fund," Kerry said in a statement July 30. "It's a clear example of how the Kerry-Lugar-Berman aid package can help make a real difference in stimulating growth in Pakistan based on the remarkable results we have had with similar funds in Eastern Europe and elsewhere."
Last Friday, The Cable reported that the fund was outside of the administration's plan for the Kerry-Lugar aid money. But several administration officials told The Cable that the fund was something the administration has been working on for months and that they completely endorse Congress's efforts to pass legislation to support it.
"Creating an enterprise fund for Pakistan has been a priority for months in the administration and big part of our strategic dialogue with Pakistan," said Vikram Singh, a top advisor to Special Representative Richard Holbrooke. "We have had very productive consultations with Congress on the legislative framework that would be required for such a fund. We are grateful to Senator Kerry and Senator Lugar for their leadership with this bill and hope the House will also support such a fund to help build Pakistan's vibrant private sector."
On her recent trip to Pakistan, Secretary of State">Hillary Clinton announced a set of big projects focused on building up Pakistan's ailing energy, water, and agriculture sectors. The administration's idea is that focusing on large infrastructure investments is the best way to have regular Pakistanis notice the U.S. assistance and therefore provides the best chance of winning over the country writ large.
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