"The anthrax letter crisis was slowly winding down in December 2001 when the 40 government and private biodefense, national security and pubic health experts met at the center for a daylong discussion of lessons learned from the attacks.
In April 2002, Mr. Heyman completed his report, concluding that the attacks revealed dangerous "gaps in our scientific base" and badly strained the country's public health offices and laboratory infrastructure."
--excuse me, but WHY has the anthrax letter crisis wound down? Has the anthrax letter terrorist been found?
Have questions about this incident been adequately vetted by the press for the American people?
For instance, how many Americans know that this terrorist act was most likely perpetrated by an American with access to American anthrax labs?
How many people know that the attacks focused on Democrats and members of what American right-wing extremists call "the liberal media?"
How much time and attention has the Ashcroft DOJ and the FBI paid to an investigation into this incident? How much time and effort have they spent on this, relative to, say, attempts to prosecute Tommy Chong for selling bongs?
How many people know that at least one anonymous letter tried to blame the attacks on a Middle Eastern scientist that a group of right wingers with connections to bio attacks by right wingers in Rhodesia had previously harrassed while they were at the same lab?
Wasn't America part of an agreement to stop the development of bioweapons...and wasn't this attack evidence of these labs continuing development of bio weapons by our nation?
How many right wing nutcases, since the anthrax attack, have been found to be dealing in bio weapons? I can think of two offhand, the military guy and his wife in the Northwest...Washington State, I think, who were storing chemicals in their garage and contacting KKK front organizations in the south,
and the recent terrorists in east Texas.
Why isn't the media all over the place warning about the dangers to America from right wing extremists in this country, who are the ONLY ones, thus far, to have had any connections to any incidents which might be construed as attempts to carry out bio terror attacks on Americans?
Why does the Bush administration, and Congress, for that matter, seem so unconcerned with protecting the people in this country from domestic enemies?